On 6/12/24 5:43 AM, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) wrote:
Hi, Wonder how radosgw knows that a transaction is done and didn't break the connection between the user interface and gateway? Let's see this is one request: 2024-06-12T16:26:03.386+0700 7fa34c7f0700 1 beast: 0x7fa5bc776750: - - [2024-06-12T16:26:03.386063+0700] "PUT /bucket/0/2/966394.delta HTTP/1.1" 200 238 - "User-Agent: APN/1.0 Hortonworks/1.0 HDP/, Hadoop 3.2.2, aws-sdk-java/1.11.563 Linux/5.15.0-101-generic OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/11.0.18+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1 java/11.0.18 scala/2.12.15 vendor/Debian com.amazonaws.services.s3.transfer.TransferManager/1.11.563" - 2024-06-12T16:26:03.386+0700 7fa4e9ffb700 1 ====== req done req=0x7fa5a4572750 op status=0 http_status=200 latency=7999937ns ====== What I can see here is the req done op status=0 I guess if the connection broke between user and gateway the req will be done also, but what s op status? Is it the one that I'm actually looking for? If connection broke maybe that is different value? Thank you
op status will be the error returned from the recv() systemcall, effectively. So probably something like -ECONNRESET, which is -104.
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