I think there's something else wrong with your setup, I could
bootstrap a cluster without an issue with ed keys:
ceph:~ # ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
ceph:~ # cephadm --image quay.io/ceph/ceph:v18.2.2 bootstrap --mon-ip
[IP] [some more options] --ssh-private-key .ssh/id_ed25519
--ssh-public-key .ssh/id_ed25519.pub
Using provided ssh keys...
Adding key to root@localhost authorized_keys...
Adding host ceph...
Bootstrap complete.
ceph:~ # ceph cephadm get-pub-key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC... root@ceph
Zitat von isnraju26@xxxxxxxxx:
Please help: CEPH cluster using docker.
using below command for the bootstrap with provided key and pub
cephadm -v bootstrap --mon-ip <ip> --allow-overwrite
--ssh-private-key id_ed25519 --ssh-public-key id_ed25519.pub
able to ssh directly with id_ed25519 key.
RuntimeError: Failed command: /usr/bin/docker run --rm --ipc=host
--stop-signal=SIGTERM --ulimit nofile=1048576 --net=host
--entrypoint /usr/bin/ceph --init -e
CONTAINER_IMAGE=quay.io/ceph/ceph:v18 -e NODE_NAME=<hostname> -e
-v /tmp/ceph-tmp1sw6a5s0:/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring:z -v
/tmp/ceph-tmpethxlwxr:/etc/ceph/ceph.conf:z quay.io/ceph/ceph:v18
orch host add <hostname> <ip>: Error EINVAL: check-host failed:
Unable to write
Session request failed
also validated below and it was successful:
ceph cephadm get-ssh-config > ssh_config
ceph config-key get mgr/cephadm/ssh_identity_key > key
ssh -F ssh_config -i key root@<hostname>
root@<hostname>:~/.ssh# ceph orch host add <hostname> <ip>
Error EINVAL: check-host failed:
Unable to write
Session request failed
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