I'm interested in these responses. Early this year a certain someone related having good results by deploying an RGW on every cluster node. This was when we were experiencing ballooning memory usage conflicting with K8s limits when running 3. So on the cluster in question we now run 25. I've read in the past of people running multiple RGW instances on a given host vs trying to get a single instance to scale past a certain point. I'm told that in our Rook/K8s case we couldn't do that. > On May 23, 2024, at 11:49, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <Istvan.Szabo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi, > > Wonder what is the best practice to scale RGW, increase the thread numbers or spin up more gateways? > > > * > Let's say I have 21000 connections on my haproxy > * > I have 3 physical gateway servers so let's say each of them need to server 7000 connections > > This means with 512 thread pool size each of them needs 13 gateway altogether 39 in the cluster. > or > 3 gateway and each 8192 rgw thread? > > Thank you > > ________________________________ > This message is confidential and is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by copyright or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply email and delete it from your system. It is prohibited to copy this message or disclose its content to anyone. Any confidentiality or privilege is not waived or lost by any mistaken delivery or unauthorized disclosure of the message. All messages sent to and from Agoda may be monitored to ensure compliance with company policies, to protect the company's interests and to remove potential malware. Electronic messages may be intercepted, amended, lost or deleted, or contain viruses. > _______________________________________________ > ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@xxxxxxx > To unsubscribe send an email to ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@xxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx