I don't see a reason why Quincy rgw daemons shouldn't work with a Reef
cluster. It would basically mean that you have a staggered upgrade [1]
running and didn't upgrade RGWs yet. It should also work to just
downgrade them, either by providing a different default image, then
redeploy rgw service. I don't see an option to specify a different
image for rgw only as you can with osd, mon, mgr, mds (ceph config set
mon container_image <my_image>). Or if it's just temporarily anyway,
you could edit the unit.run file directly and restart the daemon
(/var/lib/ceph/{FSID}/rgw.{RGW}/unit.run) until you find out the root
cause. Changing the default container_image globally wouldn't be my
preferred choice since it could mess up other daemons if any
(re)deployment of failed services is necessary.
[1] https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/cephadm/upgrade/#upgrading-ceph
Zitat von Iain Stott <Iain.Stott@xxxxxxx>:
We have recently upgraded one of our clusters from Quincy 17.2.6 to
Reef 18.2.1, since then we have had 3 instances of our RGWs stop
processing requests. We have 3 hosts that run a single instance of
RGW on each, and all 3 just seem to stop processing requests at the
same time causing our storage to become unavailable. A restart or
redeploy of the RGW service brings them back ok. The cluster was
deployed using ceph ansible, but since we have adopted it to cephadm
which is how the upgrade was performed.
We have enabled debug logging as there was nothing out of the
ordinary in normal logs and are currently sifting through them from
the last crash.
We are just wondering if it possible to run Quincy RGWs instead of
Reef as we didn't have this issue prior to the upgrade?
We have 3 clusters in a multisite setup, we are holding off on
upgrading the other 2 clusters due to this issue.
Iain Stott
OpenStack Engineer
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