Re: ceph status not showing correct monitor services

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Both methods are not update the mon map, is there a way to inject mon.a001s016  into the current mon map?  

# ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 6
epoch 6
fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000
created 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000
min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
election_strategy: 1
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017

# ceph tell mon.a001s016 mon_status
Error ENOENT: problem getting command descriptions from mon.a001s016

# ceph tell mon.a001s016 mon_status
Error ENOENT: problem getting command descriptions from mon.a001s016

# ceph tell mon.a001s017 mon_status
    "name": "a001s017",
    "rank": 1,
    "state": "peon",
    "election_epoch": 162,
    "quorum": [
    "quorum_age": 69551,
    "features": {

# ceph orch ls --service_name=mon --export > mon3.yml
service_type: mon
service_name: mon
  count: 3
  - a001s016
  - a001s017
  - a001s018

# cp mon3.yml mon2.yml
# vi mon2.yml
#cat mon2.yml
service_type: mon
service_name: mon
  count: 2
  - a001s017
  - a001s018

# ceph orch apply -i mon2.yml --dry-run
WARNING! Dry-Runs are snapshots of a certain point in time and are bound
to the current inventory setup. If any on these conditions changes, the
preview will be invalid. Please make sure to have a minimal
timeframe between planning and applying the specs.
|mon      |mon   |        |mon.a001s016  |

# ceph orch ls --service_name=mon --refresh
mon              3/3  5m ago     18h  a001s016;a001s017;a001s018;count:3

# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (21h)     2s ago  21h     734M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  8484a912f96a
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     2s ago  21h     976M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      2s ago   2y    1164M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (21h)    37s ago  21h     734M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  8484a912f96a
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)    37s ago  21h     977M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)     38s ago   2y    1166M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ceph orch apply -i mon2.yml
Scheduled mon update...
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (21h)    21s ago  21h     734M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  8484a912f96a
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)    20s ago  21h     962M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)     21s ago   2y    1156M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)    23s ago  21h     962M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)     24s ago   2y    1156M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)    27s ago  21h     962M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      0s ago   2y    1154M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     2s ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      3s ago   2y    1154M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     5s ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      0s ago   2y    1154M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     2s ago  21h     962M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      2s ago   2y    1154M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ls /var/lib/ceph/604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8/
cephadm.d4237e4639c108308fe13147b1c08af93c3d5724d9ff21ae797eb4b78fea3931  keepalived.nfs.nfs.a001s016.ofqyjl  osd.1   osd.22  osd.4
crash                                                                     mds.cephfs.a001s016.vtyivn          osd.10  osd.24  osd.7
crash.a001s016                                                            mgr.a001s016.ctmoay                 osd.13  osd.27  removed
haproxy.nfs.nfs.a001s016.vpjtxt                                           nfs.nfs.0.0.a001s016.wumnjs         osd.15  osd.30  rgw.ceph.a001s016.gjyanl
home                                                                      node-exporter.a001s016              osd.18  osd.33

# ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 6
epoch 6
fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000
created 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000
min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
election_strategy: 1
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017

# cat mon3.yml
service_type: mon
service_name: mon
  count: 3
  - a001s016
  - a001s017
  - a001s018

# ceph orch apply -i mon3.yml --dry-run
WARNING! Dry-Runs are snapshots of a certain point in time and are bound
to the current inventory setup. If any on these conditions changes, the
preview will be invalid. Please make sure to have a minimal
timeframe between planning and applying the specs.
|mon      |mon   |a001s016  |             |

# ceph orch apply -i mon3.yml
Scheduled mon update...
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               starting               -    -        -    2048M  <unknown>       <unknown>     <unknown>
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     2s ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      3s ago   2y    1152M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (6s)      0s ago   6s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  dcd4705c2069
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     8s ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      9s ago   2y    1152M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (10s)     4s ago  10s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  dcd4705c2069
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)    12s ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)     13s ago   2y    1152M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ls /var/lib/ceph/604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8/
cephadm.d4237e4639c108308fe13147b1c08af93c3d5724d9ff21ae797eb4b78fea3931  mgr.a001s016.ctmoay          osd.15  osd.4
crash                                                                     mon.a001s016                 osd.18  osd.7
crash.a001s016                                                            nfs.nfs.0.0.a001s016.wumnjs  osd.22  removed
haproxy.nfs.nfs.a001s016.vpjtxt                                           node-exporter.a001s016       osd.24  rgw.ceph.a001s016.gjyanl
home                                                                      osd.1                        osd.27
keepalived.nfs.nfs.a001s016.ofqyjl                                        osd.10                       osd.30
mds.cephfs.a001s016.vtyivn                                                osd.13                       osd.33

# ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 6
epoch 6
fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000
created 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000
min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
election_strategy: 1
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017

# ceph -s
    id:     604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum a001s018,a001s017 (age 18h)
    mgr: a001s016.ctmoay(active, since 109m), standbys: a001s017.bpygfm
    mds: 1/1 daemons up, 2 standby
    osd: 36 osds: 36 up (since 2h), 36 in (since 2y)
    rgw: 3 daemons active (3 hosts, 1 zones)

    volumes: 1/1 healthy
    pools:   43 pools, 1633 pgs
    objects: 51.64M objects, 77 TiB
    usage:   119 TiB used, 132 TiB / 252 TiB avail
    pgs:     1633 active+clean

    client:   356 MiB/s rd, 633 MiB/s wr, 506 op/s rd, 755 op/s wr

# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (91s)     7s ago  91s    14.5M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  dcd4705c2069
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (18h)     7s ago  21h     978M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      8s ago   2y    1163M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ls | grep mon
mon                                         3/3  9s ago     114s  a001s016;a001s017;a001s018;count:3

# ceph log last cephadm
2024-04-01T18:56:29.631337+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014760 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.6
2024-04-01T18:57:05.983577+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014780 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.9
2024-04-01T18:57:17.919236+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014788 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.12
2024-04-01T18:57:59.823635+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014811 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.16
2024-04-01T18:58:26.039310+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014826 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.19
2024-04-01T18:58:57.278955+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014844 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.21
2024-04-01T18:59:36.656834+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014867 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.25
2024-04-01T19:00:03.272925+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014882 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.28
2024-04-01T19:00:28.348138+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014897 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.31
2024-04-01T19:00:56.297517+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18014913 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon osd.34
2024-04-01T19:38:21.552347+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18016056 : cephadm [INF] Schedule restart daemon mgr.a001s017.bpygfm
2024-04-01T19:38:21.603564+0000 mgr.a001s017.bpygfm (mgr.60881489) 18016057 : cephadm [INF] Failing over to other MGR
2024-04-01T21:21:24.414308+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3096 : cephadm [INF] Saving service mon spec with placement a001s017;a001s018;count:2
2024-04-01T21:25:02.815151+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3211 : cephadm [INF] Saving service mon spec with placement a001s017;a001s018;count:2
2024-04-01T21:25:02.844721+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3212 : cephadm [INF] Safe to remove mon.a001s016: not in monmap (['a001s018', 'a001s017'])
2024-04-01T21:25:02.845059+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3213 : cephadm [INF] Removing monitor a001s016 from monmap...
2024-04-01T21:25:02.846401+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3214 : cephadm [INF] Removing daemon mon.a001s016 from a001s016
2024-04-01T21:25:06.870895+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3218 : cephadm [INF] Removing key for mon.
2024-04-01T21:26:27.861600+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3266 : cephadm [INF] Saving service mon spec with placement a001s016;a001s017;a001s018;count:3
2024-04-01T21:26:38.247516+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3273 : cephadm [INF] Saving service mon spec with placement a001s016;a001s017;a001s018;count:3
2024-04-01T21:26:44.494080+0000 mgr.a001s016.ctmoay (mgr.61827136) 3277 : cephadm [INF] Deploying daemon mon.a001s016 on a001s016

# cat /var/lib/ceph/604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8/mon.a001s016/unit.image
# ceph orch ps --daemon_type=mon
mon.a001s016  a001s016         running (16m)     3m ago  16m    16.3M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  dcd4705c2069
mon.a001s017  a001s017         running (18h)     4m ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018  a001s018         running (5w)      4m ago   2y    1155M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ceph orch daemon redeploy mon.a001s016
Scheduled to redeploy mon.a001s016 on host 'a001s016'

# ceph orch ps --daemon_type=mon --refresh
mon.a001s016  a001s016         running (13s)     7s ago  18m    14.1M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  1917b1edf4ab
mon.a001s017  a001s017         running (18h)     6m ago  21h     960M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018  a001s018         running (5w)      6m ago   2y    1155M    2048M  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54


The second method also does not update ceph mon map:

#ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 6
epoch 6
fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000
created 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000
min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
election_strategy: 1
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017

# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (81s)    63s ago  81s    14.2M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  0c0ec88139e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)    62s ago  22h     965M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)     63s ago   2y    1157M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ceph orch daemon stop  mon.a001s016
Scheduled to stop mon.a001s016 on host 'a001s016'
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (96s)     6s ago  96s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  0c0ec88139e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     5s ago  22h     968M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      6s ago   2y    1157M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (98s)     7s ago  98s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  0c0ec88139e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     7s ago  22h     968M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      8s ago   2y    1157M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (100s)     1s ago  100s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  0c0ec88139e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)      9s ago   22h     968M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      10s ago    2y    1157M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (106s)     7s ago  106s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  0c0ec88139e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     15s ago   22h     968M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      16s ago    2y    1157M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               stopped           0s ago  108s        -    2048M  <unknown>       <unknown>     <unknown>
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)    17s ago   22h     968M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      0s ago    2y    1160M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               stopped           2s ago  111s        -    2048M  <unknown>       <unknown>     <unknown>
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     2s ago   22h     972M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      3s ago    2y    1160M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ceph orch daemon rm  mon.a001s016
Error EINVAL: must pass --force to REMOVE daemon with potentially PRECIOUS DATA for mon.a001s016

# ceph orch daemon rm  mon.a001s016 --force
Removed mon.a001s016 from host 'a001s016'

# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)    30s ago  22h     976M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      0s ago   2y    1166M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
#ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     2s ago  22h     982M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      3s ago   2y    1166M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               starting               -    -        -    2048M  <unknown>       <unknown>     <unknown>
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     6s ago  22h     982M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      7s ago   2y    1166M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54
# ceph orch ps --refresh | grep mon
mon.a001s016                        a001s016               running (8s)      2s ago   8s    14.4M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  39db8cfba7e1
mon.a001s017                        a001s017               running (19h)     1s ago  22h     987M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  e5e5cb6c256c
mon.a001s018                        a001s018               running (5w)      2s ago   2y    1171M    2048M  16.2.5          6e73176320aa  7d2bb6d41f54

# ceph mon dump
dumped monmap epoch 6
epoch 6
fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000
created 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000
min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
election_strategy: 1
0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017


-----Original Message-----
From: Adiga, Anantha <anantha.adiga@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 2:01 PM
To: Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx>
Cc: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: ceph status not showing correct monitor services

Thank you. I will try the  export and import method first.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 1:57 PM
To: Adiga, Anantha <anantha.adiga@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  Re: ceph status not showing correct monitor services

I have two approaches in mind, first one (and preferred) would be to edit the mon spec to first remove mon.a001s016 and have a clean state.  
Get the current spec with:

ceph orch ls mon --export > mon-edit.yaml

Edit the spec file so that mon.a001s016 is not part of it, then apply:

ceph orch apply -i mon-edit.yaml

This should remove the mon.a001s016 daemon. Then wait a few minutes or so (until the daemon is actually gone, check locally on the node with 'cephadm ls' and in /var/lib/ceph/<FSID>/removed) and add it back to the spec file, then apply again. I would expect a third MON to be deployed. If that doesn't work for some reason you'll need to inspect logs to find the root cause.

The second approach would be to remove and add the daemon manually:

ceph orch daemon rm mon.a001s016

Wait until it's really gone, then add it:

ceph orch daemon add mon a001s016

Not entirely sure about the daemon add mon command, you might need to provide something else, I'm typing this by heart.

Zitat von "Adiga, Anantha" <anantha.adiga@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi Eugen,
> Yes that is it. OSDs were restarted since mon a001s017 was reporting  
> is low on available space.  How  to update the mon map to add   
> mon.a001s016  as it is already online?
> And how to update mgr map to  include standby mgr.a001s018 as it is 
> also running.
> ceph mon dump
> dumped monmap epoch 6
> epoch 6
> fsid 604d56db-2fab-45db-a9ea-c418f9a8cca8
> last_changed 2024-03-31T23:54:18.692983+0000 created
> 2021-09-30T16:15:12.884602+0000 min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
> election_strategy: 1
> 0: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s018
> 1: [v2:,v1:] mon.a001s017
> Thank you,
> Anantha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 1:10 PM
> To: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
> Subject:  Re: ceph status not showing correct monitor 
> services
> Maybe it’s just not in the monmap? Can you show the output of:
> ceph mon dump
> Did you do any maintenance (apparently OSDs restarted recently) and 
> maybe accidentally removed a MON from the monmap?
> Zitat von "Adiga, Anantha" <anantha.adiga@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Anthony,
>> Seeing it since last after noon.  It is same with mgr services as , 
>> "ceph -s" is reporting only TWO instead of THREE
>> Also  mon and mgr shows " is_active: false" see below.
>> # ceph orch ps --daemon_type=mgr
>> NAME                 HOST      PORTS   STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE
>> mgr.a001s016.ctmoay  a001s016  *:8443  running (18M)     3m ago  23M
>>     206M        -  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  169cafcbbb99
>> mgr.a001s017.bpygfm  a001s017  *:8443  running (19M)     3m ago  23M
>>     332M        -  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  97257195158c
>> mgr.a001s018.hcxnef  a001s018  *:8443  running (20M)     3m ago  23M
>>     113M        -  16.2.5   6e73176320aa  21ba5896cee2
>> # ceph orch ls --service_name=mgr
>> mgr              3/3  3m ago     23M  a001s016;a001s017;a001s018;count:3
>> # ceph orch ps --daemon_type=mon --format=json-pretty
>> [
>>   {
>>     "container_id": "8484a912f96a",
>>     "container_image_digests": [
>>     ],
>>     "container_image_id":
>> "6e73176320aaccf3b3fb660b9945d0514222bd7a83e28b96e8440c630ba6891f",
>>     "container_image_name":
>>     "created": "2024-03-31T23:55:16.164155Z",
>>     "daemon_id": "a001s016",
>>     "daemon_type": "mon",
>>     "hostname": "a001s016",
>>     "is_active": false,
>>    <== why is it false
>>     "last_refresh": "2024-04-01T19:38:30.929014Z",
>>     "memory_request": 2147483648,
>>     "memory_usage": 761685606,
>>     "ports": [],
>>     "service_name": "mon",
>>     "started": "2024-03-31T23:55:16.268266Z",
>>     "status": 1,
>>     "status_desc": "running",
>>     "version": "16.2.5"
>>   },
>> Thank you,
>> Anantha
>> From: Anthony D'Atri <aad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 12:25 PM
>> To: Adiga, Anantha <anantha.adiga@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Cc: ceph-users@xxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re:  ceph status not showing correct monitor 
>> services
>>  a001s017.bpygfm(active, since 13M), standbys: a001s016.ctmoay
>> Looks like you just had an mgr failover?  Could be that the secondary 
>> mgr hasn't caught up with current events.
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