Sorry for the bad formatting. Here are the outputs again.
ceph osd df :
3 hdd 1.81879 0 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B
0 B 0 B 0 0 0 down
12 hdd 1.81879 1.00000 1.8 TiB 385 GiB 383 GiB 6.7 MiB 1.4
GiB 1.4 TiB 20.66 1.73 18 up
13 hdd 1.81879 1.00000 1.8 TiB 422 GiB 421 GiB 5.8 MiB 1.3
GiB 1.4 TiB 22.67 1.90 17 up
15 hdd 1.81879 1.00000 1.8 TiB 264 GiB 263 GiB 4.6 MiB 1.1
GiB 1.6 TiB 14.17 1.19 14 up
16 hdd 9.09520 1.00000 9.1 TiB 1.0 TiB 1023 GiB 8.8 MiB 2.6
GiB 8.1 TiB 11.01 0.92 65 up
17 hdd 1.81879 1.00000 1.8 TiB 319 GiB 318 GiB 6.1 MiB 1.0
GiB 1.5 TiB 17.13 1.43 15 up
1 hdd 5.45749 1.00000 5.5 TiB 546 GiB 544 GiB 7.8 MiB 1.4
GiB 4.9 TiB 9.76 0.82 29 up
4 hdd 5.45749 1.00000 5.5 TiB 801 GiB 799 GiB 8.3 MiB 2.4
GiB 4.7 TiB 14.34 1.20 44 up
8 hdd 5.45749 1.00000 5.5 TiB 708 GiB 706 GiB 9.7 MiB 2.1
GiB 4.8 TiB 12.67 1.06 36 up
11 hdd 5.45749 0 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B 0
B 0 B 0 0 0 down
14 hdd 1.81879 1.00000 1.8 TiB 200 GiB 198 GiB 3.8 MiB 1.3
GiB 1.6 TiB 10.71 0.90 10 up
0 hdd 9.09520 0 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 B
0 B 0 B 0 0 0 down
5 hdd 9.09520 1.00000 9.1 TiB 859 GiB 857 GiB 17 MiB 2.1
GiB 8.3 TiB 9.23 0.77 46 up
9 hdd 9.09520 1.00000 9.1 TiB 924 GiB 922 GiB 11 MiB 2.3
GiB 8.2 TiB 9.92 0.83 55 up
TOTAL 53 TiB 6.3 TiB 6.3 TiB 90 MiB 19
GiB 46 TiB 11.95
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.77/1.90 STDDEV: 4.74
ceph osd pool ls detail :
pool 1 '.mgr' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash
rjenkins pg_num 1 pgp_num 1 autoscale_mode on last_change 32 flags
hashpspool stripe_width 0 pg_num_max 32 pg_num_min 1 application mgr
pool 2 'volumes' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash
rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 9327 lfor
0/0/104 flags hashpspool,selfmanaged_snaps stripe_width 0 application rbd
pool 3 'images' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash
rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 9018 lfor
0/0/104 flags hashpspool,selfmanaged_snaps stripe_width 0 application rbd
pool 4 'vms' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash
rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 9149 lfor
0/0/106 flags hashpspool,selfmanaged_snaps stripe_width 0 application rbd
pool 5 'polyphoto_backup' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0
object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change
372 lfor 0/0/362 flags hashpspool,selfmanaged_snaps stripe_width 0
compression_algorithm snappy compression_mode aggressive application rbd
The error seems to come from a software error in Ceph. In the logs, I
get the message "FAILED ceph_assert(clone_overlap.count(clone))".
Romain Lebbadi-Breteau
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