Re: What is the best way to use disks with different sizes

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El 3/7/23 a las 17:27, wodel youchi escribió:
I will be deploying a Proxmox HCI cluster with 3 nodes. Each node has 3
nvme disks of 3.8Tb each and a 4th nvme disk of 7.6Tb. Technically I need
one pool.

Is it good practice to use all disks to create the one pool I need, or is
it better to create two pools, one on each group of disks?

If the former is good (use all disks and create one pool), should I take
into account the difference in disk size?

What space use % do you expect? If you mix all disks in the same pool, 
if a 7.6TB disk fails that node's other disks will get full if use is 
near 60%, halting writes.
With 2 pools, that would be "near 66%" for the 3.8T pool and no limit 
for 7.6TB (but in that case you'll only have 2 replicas with a disk 
Another option would be 4 pools, in that case if a disk in any pool 
fails your VMs on that pool will continue working with only 2 replicas.
For the "near" calculus, you must factor in nearfull and full ratios for 
OSDs, and also that data may be unevenly distributed among OSDs...
The choice also will affect how well the aggregated IOPS will be spread 
between VMs<->disks.

Eneko Lacunza
Zuzendari teknikoa | Director técnico
Binovo IT Human Project

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