the strange thing is that on 2 different host, an OSD deamon with the
same ID is present, by doing ls on /var/lib/ceph/FSID, e.g. I am afraid
that performing a ceph orch deamon rm will remove both osd deamons, the
healthy one and the failed one.
Am 14.12.2022 um 11:35 schrieb Mevludin Blazevic:
Hi all,
while trying to perform an update from Ceph Pacific to the current
Patch version, errors occure due to failed osd deamon which are still
present and installed on some Ceph hosts although I purged the
corresponding OSD using the GUI. I am using a Red Hat environment,
what is the save way to tell ceph to also delete specific deamon ID
(not OSD IDs)?
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Mevludin Blazevic, M.Sc.
University of Koblenz-Landau
Computing Centre (GHRKO)
Universitaetsstrasse 1
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Room A023
Tel: +49 261/287-1326
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