I can't speak from the developers perspective, but we discussed this
just recently intenally and with a customer. We doubled the number of
PGs on one of our customer's data pools from around 100 to 200 PGs/OSD
(HDDs with rocksDB on SSDs). We're still waiting for the final
conclusion if the performance has increased or not, but it seems to
work as expected. We probably would double it again if the PG
size/objects per PG would affect the performance again. You just need
to be aware of the mon_max_pg_per_osd and
osd_max_pg_per_osd_hard_ratio configs in case of recovery. Otherwise
we don't see any real issue with 200 or 400 PGs/OSD if the nodes can
handle it.
Zitat von "Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)" <Istvan.Szabo@xxxxxxxxx>:
My question is, is there any technical limit to have 8osd/ssd and on
each of them 100pg if the memory and cpu resource available (8gb
memory/osd and 96vcore)?
The iops and bandwidth on the disks are very low so I don’t see any
issue to go with this.
In my cluster I’m using 15.3TB ssds. We have more than 2 billions of
objects in each of the 3 clusters.
The bottleneck is the pg/osd so last time when my serious issue
solved the solution was to bump the pg-s of the data pool the
allowed maximum with 4:2 ec.
I’m curious of the developers opinion also.
Thank you,
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