i did setup multisite with 2 ceph clusters and multiple rgw's and
This setup was installed using ceph ansible branch "stable-5.0", with
During some testing, i noticed that somehow the replication seems to
not work as expected.
With s3cmd, i put a small file of 1.9 kb into a bucket on the master
zone s3cmd put /etc/hosts s3://test/
Then i can see at the output of "radosgw-admin sync status --rgw_realm
internal", that the cluster has indeed to sync something, and
switching back to "nothing to sync" after a couple of seconds.
"radosgw-admin sync error list --rgw_realm internal" is emtpy, too.
However, if i look via s3cmd on the secondary zone, i can't see the
file. Even if i look at the ceph pools directly, the data didn't get
If i proceed by uploading the file again, with the same command and
without a change, basically just updating it, or by restarting rgw
deamon of the secondary zone, the affected file gets replicated.
I spotted this issue with all my realms/zonegroups. But even with
"debug_rgw = 20" and debug_rgw_sync = "20" i can't spot any obvious
errors in the logs.
It also worries me that replication won't work with multiple rgws in
one zone, but one of them being unavailable, for instance during
I did somehow expect ceph to work it's way though the list of
available endpoints, and only fail if none are available.
...Or am I missing something here?
Any help whatsoever is very much appreciated.
I am pretty new to multisite and stuck on this for a couple of days
now already.
Thanks, Julian
Here is some additional information, including some log snippets:
# ON Master site, i can see the file in the bilog right away
radosgw-admin bilog list --bucket test/test --rgw_realm internal
"op_id": "3#00000000001.445.5",
"op_tag": "b9794e07-8f6c-4c45-a981-a73c3a4dc863.8360.106",
"op": "write",
"object": "hosts",
"instance": "",
"state": "complete",
"index_ver": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-02-24T09:14:41.957638774Z",
"ver": {
"pool": 7,
"epoch": 2
"bilog_flags": 0,
"versioned": false,
"owner": "",
"owner_display_name": "",
"zones_trace": [
# RGW log of secondary zone shows the sync attempt:
2022-02-24T09:14:52.502+0000 7f1419ff3700 0
73c3a4dc863.8366.3:3]: triggering sync of source bucket/shard
# but the secondary zone, doesnt actually show the new file in the
bilog radosgw-admin bilog list --bucket test/test --rgw_realm internal
# and the shard log that according to the logfile had the data to sync
in it, doesn't seem to even exist at the secondary zone radosgw-admin
datalog list --shard-id 72 --rgw_realm internal
ERROR: list_bi_log_entries(): (2) No such file or directory
# RGW Log at master zone, there is one 404 in there which worries me a
2022-02-24T09:14:52.515+0000 7ff5816e2700 1 beast: 0x7ff6387f77c0: - - [2022-02-24T09:14:52.515949+0000] "GET
1-483a-b1bf-47ec21f26609 HTTP/1.1" 200 94 - -
2022-02-24T09:14:52.527+0000 7ff512604700 1 beast: 0x7ff6386747c0: - - [2022-02-24T09:14:52.527950+0000] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 404 146 - -
2022-02-24T09:14:52.535+0000 7ff559e93700 1 beast: 0x7ff6386747c0: - - [2022-02-24T09:14:52.535950+0000] "GET
dex&rgwx-zonegroup=7d35d818-0881-483a-b1bf-47ec21f26609 HTTP/1.1" 200
2 - -
# if i update the file, by reuploading it, or restart the rgw deamon
of the secondary zone, the affected file gets synced s3cmd put
/etc/hosts s3://test/
# again, there is the sync attempt from the secondary zone rgw
2022-02-24T12:04:52.452+0000 7f1419ff3700 0
73c3a4dc863.8366.3:3]: triggering sync of source bucket/shard
# But now the file does show in bilog, and data log radosgw-admin
bilog list --bucket test/test --rgw_realm internal {
"op_id": "3#00000000001.456.5",
"op_tag": "_e1zRfGuaFH7mLumu1gapeLzHo9zYU6M",
"op": "write",
"object": "hosts",
"instance": "",
"state": "complete",
"index_ver": 1,
"timestamp": "2022-02-24T12:04:38.405141253Z",
"ver": {
"pool": 7,
"epoch": 2
"bilog_flags": 0,
"versioned": false,
"owner": "",
"owner_display_name": "",
"zones_trace": [
radosgw-admin datalog list --shard-id 72 --rgw_realm internal
"entity_type": "bucket",
"key": "test/test:b9794e07-8f6c-4c45-a981-a73c3a4dc863.8366.3:3",
"timestamp": "2022-02-24T12:04:52.522177Z"