Have you also tried this?
# ceph orch daemon restart osd.12
Without the "daemon" you would try to restart an entire service called
"osd.12" which obviously doesn't exist. With "daemon" you can restart
specific daemons.
Zitat von Manuel Holtgrewe <zyklenfrei@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,
I'm running Pacific 16.2.7 with cephadm.
I had a network-related issues with a host and the 7 OSDs on the host
were marked as down/out. I marked the osds as in again, but ceph orch
keeps the daemons in "stopped" state. I cannot use "ceph orch
(re)start" on the osd daemons:
# ceph orch restart osd.12
Error EINVAL: No daemons exist under service name "osd.12". View
currently running services using "ceph orch ls"
How do I get the osds back up?
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