On 15/12/2021 13.44, Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre wrote:
Hi Torkil,
Hi Arthur
On 12/15/21 13:24, Torkil Svensgaard wrote:
I'm confused by the direction parameter in the documentation[1]. If I
have my data at site-a and want one way replication to site-b should the
mirroring be configured as the documentation example, directionwise?
What you are describing seems at first glance right. The rbd-mirror
daemon semantic is to replicate data from a remote cluster to the local
cluster. But I am not sure, I use rx-tx everywhere...
Also the default rx-tx would probably also work in your case as long as
you don't try to run rbd-mirror on site-a.
Ah, so as long as I don't run the mirror daemons on site-a there is no
risk of overwriting production data there?
I'm upgrading to 16.2.7 as you suggested in the other thread[1]. If that
doesn't fix the issue I found another thread[2] suggesting the direction
should be reversed, but that sounded a bit scary.
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