Re: Find high IOPS client

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for rbd clients you can see statistics via:

rbd perf image iostat     or
rbd perf image iotop.

You will see currently r/w IOPS done and bytes read/written.

Have a nice day

Am 07.12.21 um 07:58 schrieb 胡 玮文:
Hi all,

Sometimes we see high IOPS in our cluster (from “ceph -s”), and the access latency is increased due to high load. Now how can I tell which client is issuing a lot of requests? I want to find out the offending application so that I can make changes to it. We are primarily using cephfs, but we also have some kernel RBD clients.

So far I’ve tried to turn up the OSD log level so that it logs every request. Then I wrote a script to do the statistics. But this procedure seems suboptimal. It requires many manual steps, takes a lot of disk space, potentially slows down the OSD, etc. Do you have a better method?

Weiwen Hu
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