Re: Cluster down

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This sounds, to me, like something to discuss with the proxmox folks.

Unless there was an IP conflict between the rebooted server, and one of the existing mons, I can't see the ceph cluster going unavailable.  Further, I don't see where anything ceph related would cause hypervisors, on other hosts, to restart.

Thank you,

Dominic L. Hilsbos, MBA
Vice President - Information Technology
Perform Air International Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jorge JP [mailto:jorgejp@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 4:07 AM
To: Marc; ceph-users@xxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: Cluster down

Hello Marc,

For add node to ceph cluster with Proxmox first I have to install Proxmox hehe, this is not the problem.

File configuration is revised and correct. I understand your words but not is problem of configuration.

I can understand that cluster can have problems if any servers not configured correctly or ports in the switches not configured correctly. But this server never became in a member of cluster.

I extracted a part of logfile when ceph down.

A bit weeks ago, I have a problem with a port configuration and remove mtu 9216 and various hypervisors of cluster proxmox rebooted. But today the server not relationated with ceph cluster. Only have public and private ips in same network but ports not configured.

De: Marc <Marc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviado: miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021 12:49
Para: Jorge JP <jorgejp@xxxxxxxxxx>; ceph-users@xxxxxxx <ceph-users@xxxxxxx>
Asunto: RE: Cluster down

> We currently have a ceph cluster in Proxmox, with 5 ceph nodes with the
> public and private network correctly configured and without problems.
> The state of ceph was optimal.
> We had prepared a new server to add to the ceph cluster. We did the
> first step of installing Proxmox with the same version. I was at the
> point where I was setting up the network.

I am not using proxmox, just libvirt. But I would say the most important part is your ceph cluster. So before doing anything I would make sure to add the ceph node first and then install other things.

> For this step, I did was connect by SSH to the new server and copy the
> network configuration of one of the ceph nodes to this new one. Of
> course, changing the ip addresses.

I would not copy at all. Just change the files manually if you did not edit one file correctly or the server reboots before you change the ip addresses you can get into all kinds of problems.

> What happened when restarting the network service is that I lost access
> to the cluster. I couldn't access any of the 5 servers that are part of
> the  ceph cluster. Also, 2 of 3 hypervisors
> that we have in the proxmox cluster were restarted directly.

So now you know, you first have to configure networking, then ceph and then proxmox. Take your time adding a server. I guess the main reason you are in the current situation, you try to do it quick quick.

> Why has this happened if the new server is not yet inside the ceph
> cluster on the proxmox cluster and I don't even have the ports
> configured on my switch?

Without logs nobody is able to tell.

> Do you have any idea?
> I do not understand, if now I go and take any server and configure an IP
> of the cluster network and even if the ports are not even configured,
> will the cluster knock me down?

Nothing should happen if you install an OS and use ip addresses in the same space as your cluster/client network. Do this first.

> I recovered the cluster by phisically removing the cables from the new
> server.

So wipe it, and start over.

> Thanks a lot and sorry for my english...

No worries, your english is much better than my spanish ;)

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