Re: bluefs _allocate unable to allocate

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On 10/6/2021 2:16 PM, José H. Freidhof wrote:
Hi Igor,

yes i have some osd settings set :-) here are my ceph config dump. those
settings are from a redhat document for bluestore devices
maybe it is that setting causing this problem? "advanced
  mon_compact_on_trim    false"???


No - mon_compact_on_trim has nothing to deal with bluestore.

Highly likely it's bluestore_rocksdb_options which hurts... Documentations tend to fall behind the best practices.... I would strongly discourage you from using non-default settings unless it's absolutely clear why this is necessary.

Even at the first glance the following settings (just a few ones I'm completely aware) are suboptimal/non-recommended:




Not to mention bluestore_rocksdb_options which hasn't got much adoption so far and apparently greatly alters rocksdb behavior...

So I would suggest to revert rocksdb options back to default, run the compaction and if it succeeds monitor the OSD for a while. Then if it works fine - apply the same for others

Hope this helps,


i will test it this afternoon... at the moment are everything semi
prodcuctive and i need to repair one osd node.. because i think of this
reason the osds crashed on the node and the osd container crashes with a
dump while coming up now.
need first to replicate all between all three nodes and then i can take
offline the osd.2.and test your command. i will inform you later...

root@cd88-ceph-osdh-01:/# ceph config dump
WHO                                               MASK
  LEVEL     OPTION                                       VALUE

  advanced  leveldb_max_open_files                       131072

  advanced  mon_compact_on_trim                          false

  dev       ms_crc_data                                  false

  advanced  osd_deep_scrub_interval                      1209600.000000

  advanced  osd_max_scrubs                               16

  advanced  osd_scrub_load_threshold                     0.010000

  advanced  osd_scrub_max_interval                       1209600.000000

  advanced  osd_scrub_min_interval                       86400.000000

  advanced  perf                                         true

  advanced  rbd_readahead_disable_after_bytes            0

  advanced  rbd_readahead_max_bytes                      4194304

  advanced  rocksdb_perf                                 true

  advanced  throttler_perf_counter                       false

advanced  auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim        false

advanced  cluster_network                    

advanced  mon_osd_down_out_interval                    300

advanced  public_network                     

advanced  mgr/cephadm/container_init                   True

advanced  mgr/cephadm/device_enhanced_scan             true

advanced  mgr/cephadm/migration_current                2

advanced  mgr/cephadm/warn_on_stray_daemons            false

advanced  mgr/cephadm/warn_on_stray_hosts              false

advanced  bluefs_sync_write                            true

dev       bluestore_cache_autotune                     true

dev       bluestore_cache_kv_ratio                     0.200000

dev       bluestore_cache_meta_ratio                   0.800000

dev       bluestore_cache_size                         2147483648

dev       bluestore_cache_size_hdd                     2147483648

advanced  bluestore_csum_type                          none

dev       bluestore_extent_map_shard_max_size          200

dev       bluestore_extent_map_shard_min_size          50

dev       bluestore_extent_map_shard_target_size       100

advanced  bluestore_rocksdb_options
advanced  mon_osd_cache_size                           1024

dev       ms_crc_data                                  false

advanced  osd_map_share_max_epochs                     5

advanced  osd_max_backfills                            1

dev       osd_max_pg_log_entries                       10

dev       osd_memory_cache_min                         3000000000

   osd                                             host:cd133-ceph-osdh-01
basic     osd_memory_target                            5797322383

   osd                                             host:cd133k-ceph-osdh-01
  basic     osd_memory_target                            9402402385

   osd                                             host:cd88-ceph-osdh-01
  basic     osd_memory_target                            5797322096

advanced  osd_memory_target_autotune                   true

dev       osd_min_pg_log_entries                       10

advanced  osd_op_num_shards                            8

advanced  osd_op_num_threads_per_shard                 2

dev       osd_pg_log_dups_tracked                      10

dev       osd_pg_log_trim_min                          10

advanced  osd_recovery_max_active                      3

advanced  osd_recovery_max_single_start                1

advanced  osd_recovery_sleep                           0.000000

Am Mi., 6. Okt. 2021 um 12:55 Uhr schrieb Igor Fedotov <ifedotov@xxxxxxx>:


In fact 48GB is a way too much for WAL drive - usually the write ahead log
tend to be 2-4 GBs.

But in your case it's ~150GB, while DB itself is very small (146MB!!!):

WAL         45 GiB      111 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
154 GiB     2400

DB          0 B         164 MiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
146 MiB     30

which means that there are some issues with RocksDB's WAL processing,
which needs some troubleshooting...

Curious if other OSDs are suffering from the same and whether you have any
custom settings for your OSD(s)?

Additionally you might want to try the following command to compact this
specific OSD manually and check if this would normalize the DB layout - the
majority of data has to be at DB level not WAL. Please share the resulting
layout (reported by "ceph daemon osd.2 bluefs stats" command) after the
compaction is fulfiled and OSD is restarted.

The compaction command to be applied on an offline OSD: "ceph-kvstore-tool
bluestore-kv <path-to-osd> compact"

Even if the above works great please refrain from applying that compaction
to every OSD - let's see how that "compacted" OSD evolves.Would WAL grow
again or not?



On 10/6/2021 1:35 PM, José H. Freidhof wrote:

Hello Igor,

yes the volume is  nvme wal partitions for the bluestore devicegroups are
only 48gb each

on each osd node are 1 nvme with 1tb splitted in 20 lvs with 48gb (WAL)
on each osd node are 4 ssd with 1tb splitted in 5 lvs with 175gb  (rock.db)
on each osd node are 20 hdd with 5.5tb with 1 lvs (block.db)

each blustore have 1 partition nvme,ssd and hdd like described in the

is this to small or can i adjust the max allocation on the wal nvme device
in the ceph configuration?
i know that the ssd and nvme are to small for those 5.5tb disk... its 1%
only ot the rotation disk.
i am new in ceph and still or always learning, but we are in a little
hurry because our other datastores are old and full.

root@cd88-ceph-osdh-01:/# ceph daemon osd.2 bluestore bluefs device info
     "dev": {
         "device": "BDEV_WAL",
         "total": 48318377984,
         "free": 1044480,
         "bluefs_used": 48317333504
     "dev": {
         "device": "BDEV_DB",
         "total": 187904811008,
         "free": 68757217280,
         "bluefs_used": 119147593728
     "dev": {
         "device": "BDEV_SLOW",
         "total": 6001172414464,
         "free": 5624912359424,
         "bluefs_used": 0,
         "bluefs max available": 5624401231872
root@cd88-ceph-osdh-01:/# ceph daemon osd.2 bluefs stats
0 : device size 0xb3ffff000 : using 0xb3ff00000(45 GiB)
1 : device size 0x2bbfffe000 : using 0x1bbeb00000(111 GiB)
2 : device size 0x57541c00000 : using 0x579b592000(350 GiB)
RocksDBBlueFSVolumeSelector: wal_total:45902462976, db_total:178509578240,
slow_total:5701113793740, db_avail:103884521472
Usage matrix:
DEV/LEV     WAL         DB          SLOW        *           *
LOG         124 MiB     2.3 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
7.5 MiB     1
WAL         45 GiB      111 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
154 GiB     2400
DB          0 B         164 MiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
146 MiB     30
SLOW        0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B         0
B         0
TOTALS      45 GiB      113 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B         0
B         2431
LOG         124 MiB     2.3 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B         17
WAL         45 GiB      149 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
192 GiB
DB          0 B         762 MiB     0 B         0 B         0 B
741 MiB
SLOW        0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B
TOTALS      45 GiB      150 GiB     0 B         0 B         0 B         0 B

Am Mi., 6. Okt. 2021 um 11:45 Uhr schrieb Igor Fedotov <ifedotov@xxxxxxx>:

Hey Jose,

it looks like your WAL volume is out of space which looks weird given
its capacity = 48Gb.

Could you please share the output of the following commands:

ceph daemon osd.N bluestore bluefs device info

ceph daemon osd.N bluefs stats



On 10/6/2021 12:24 PM, José H. Freidhof wrote:
Hello together

we have a running ceph pacific 16.2.5 cluster and i found this messages
the service logs of the osd daemons.

we have three osd nodes .. each node has 20osds as bluestore with

is this a bug or maybe i have some settings wrong?

cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:25.821+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:29.857+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.073+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x400000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.405+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.465+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.529+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f38eebd4700  4 rocksdb: [db_impl/] [L] New
created with log file: #9588. Immutable memtables: 1.
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f38eebd4700  1 bluefs _allocate unable to allocate 0x100000 on bdev 0,
allocator name bluefs-wal, allocator type hybrid, capacity 0xb40000000,
block size 0x100000, free 0xff000, fragmentation 0, allocated 0x0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.547575)
[db_impl/] Calling
FlushMemTableToOutputFile with column family [L], flush slots available
compaction slots available 1, flush slots scheduled 1, compaction slots
scheduled 0
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: [] [L] [JOB 5709] Flushing
memtable with next log file: 9587
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: [] [L] [JOB 5709] Flushing
memtable with next log file: 9588
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850547916,
"job": 5709, "event": "flush_started", "num_memtables": 2,
4146, "num_deletes": 0, "total_data_size": 127203926, "memory_usage":
130479920, "flush_reason": "Write Buffer Full"}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.545+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: [] [L] [JOB 5709] Level-0 flush
table #9589: started
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850559292,
"cf_name": "L", "job": 5709, "event": "table_file_creation",
9589, "file_size": 3249934, "table_properties": {"data_size": 3247855,
"index_size": 1031, "index_partitions": 0, "top_level_index_size": 0,
"index_key_is_user_key": 0, "index_value_is_delta_encoded": 0,
"filter_size": 197, "raw_key_size": 1088, "raw_average_key_size": 16,
"raw_value_size": 3246252, "raw_average_value_size": 47739,
"num_data_blocks": 36, "num_entries": 68, "num_deletions": 32,
"num_merge_operands": 0, "num_range_deletions": 0, "format_version": 0,
"fixed_key_len": 0, "filter_policy": "rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter",
"column_family_name": "L", "column_family_id": 10, "comparator":
"leveldb.BytewiseComparator", "merge_operator": "nullptr",
"prefix_extractor_name": "nullptr", "property_collectors": "[]",
"compression": "NoCompression", "compression_options": "window_bits=-14;
level=32767; strategy=0; max_dict_bytes=0; zstd_max_train_bytes=0;
enabled=0; ", "creation_time": 1633511730, "oldest_key_time":
"file_creation_time": 1633511850}}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: [] [L] [JOB 5709] Level-0 flush
table #9589: 3249934 bytes OK
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.559362)
[] [L] Level-0 commit table #9589 started
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.559583)
[] [L] Level-0 commit table #9589: memtable #1 done
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.559586)
[] [L] Level-0 commit table #9589: memtable #2 done
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.559601)
EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850559593, "job": 5709, "event":
"flush_finished", "output_compression": "NoCompression", "lsm_state":
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "immutable_memtables": 0}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f3905c02700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.559638)
[db_impl/] [L] Level summary: files[8 1
0 0
0 0 0] max score 1.00
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: [compaction/] [L] [JOB
Compacting 8@0 + 1@1 files to L1, score 1.00
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: [compaction/] [L]
start summary: Base version 3090 Base level 0, inputs: [9589(3173KB)
9586(4793KB) 9583(1876KB) 9580(194KB) 9576(6417KB) 9573(1078KB)
9567(29KB)], [9564(1115KB)]
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.557+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850559956,
"job": 5710, "event": "compaction_started", "compaction_reason":
"LevelL0FilesNum", "files_L0": [9589, 9586, 9583, 9580, 9576, 9573,
9567], "files_L1": [9564], "score": 1, "input_data_size": 19542092}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: [compaction/] [L] [JOB
Generated table #9590: 36 keys, 3249524 bytes
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850582987,
"cf_name": "L", "job": 5710, "event": "table_file_creation",
9590, "file_size": 3249524, "table_properties": {"data_size": 3247449,
"index_size": 1031, "index_partitions": 0, "top_level_index_size": 0,
"index_key_is_user_key": 0, "index_value_is_delta_encoded": 0,
"filter_size": 197, "raw_key_size": 576, "raw_average_key_size": 16,
"raw_value_size": 3246252, "raw_average_value_size": 90173,
"num_data_blocks": 36, "num_entries": 36, "num_deletions": 0,
"num_merge_operands": 0, "num_range_deletions": 0, "format_version": 0,
"fixed_key_len": 0, "filter_policy": "rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter",
"column_family_name": "L", "column_family_id": 10, "comparator":
"leveldb.BytewiseComparator", "merge_operator": "nullptr",
"prefix_extractor_name": "nullptr", "property_collectors": "[]",
"compression": "NoCompression", "compression_options": "window_bits=-14;
level=32767; strategy=0; max_dict_bytes=0; zstd_max_train_bytes=0;
enabled=0; ", "creation_time": 1633471854, "oldest_key_time": 0,
"file_creation_time": 1633511850}}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: [compaction/] [L] [JOB
Compacted 8@0 + 1@1 files to L1 => 3249524 bytes
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.583469)
[compaction/] [L] compacted to: files[0 1 0 0 0 0
max score 0.01, MB/sec: 846.1 rd, 140.7 wr, level 1, files in(8, 1)
MB in(17.5, 1.1) out(3.1), read-write-amplify(1.2) write-amplify(0.2)
records in: 376, records dropped: 340 output_compression: NoCompression
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 2021/10/06-09:17:30.583498)
EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583485, "job": 5710, "event":
"compaction_finished", "compaction_time_micros": 23098,
"compaction_time_cpu_micros": 20039, "output_level": 1,
1, "total_output_size": 3249524, "num_input_records": 376,
"num_output_records": 36, "num_subcompactions": 1, "output_compression":
"NoCompression", "num_single_delete_mismatches": 0,
"num_single_delete_fallthrough": 0, "lsm_state": [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583615,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9589}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583648,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9586}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583675,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9583}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583709,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9580}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583739,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9576}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583769,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9573}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583804,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9570}
cd88-ceph-osdh-01 bash[6283]: debug 2021-10-06T09:17:30.581+0000
7f38fb3ed700  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1633511850583835,
"job": 5710, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 9567}
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


José H. Freidhof

Reyerhütterstrasse 130b
41065 Mönchengladbach
eMail: harald.freidhof@xxxxxxxxx
mobil: +49 (0) 1523 – 717 7801

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