Is there a way to get the block,block.db,block.wal path and size?
what if all of them or some of them are colocated in one disk?
I can get the info from a wal,db,block colocated osd like below:
ceph-bluestore-tool show-label --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/
"/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0//block": {
"osd_uuid": "199f2445-af9e-4172-8231-6d98858684e8",
"size": 107268255744,
"btime": "2020-02-15 21:53:42.972004",
"description": "main",
"bluefs": "1",
"ceph_fsid": "83a73817-3566-4044-91b6-22cee6753515",
"kv_backend": "rocksdb",
"magic": "ceph osd volume v026",
"mkfs_done": "yes",
"ready": "ready",
"require_osd_release": "\u000c",
"whoami": "0"
but there is no path of the block.
ceph osd metadata 0
"id": 0,
"arch": "x86_64",
"back_addr": "",
"back_iface": "ens160",
"bluefs": "1",
"bluefs_db_access_mode": "blk",
"bluefs_db_block_size": "4096",
"bluefs_db_dev": "8:16",
"bluefs_db_dev_node": "sdb",
"bluefs_db_driver": "KernelDevice",
"bluefs_db_model": "Virtual disk ",
"bluefs_db_partition_path": "/dev/sdb2",
"bluefs_db_rotational": "1",
"bluefs_db_size": "107268255744",
"bluefs_db_type": "hdd",
"bluefs_single_shared_device": "1",
"bluestore_bdev_access_mode": "blk",
"bluestore_bdev_block_size": "4096",
"bluestore_bdev_dev": "8:16",
"bluestore_bdev_dev_node": "sdb",
"bluestore_bdev_driver": "KernelDevice",
"bluestore_bdev_model": "Virtual disk ",
"bluestore_bdev_partition_path": "/dev/sdb2",
"bluestore_bdev_rotational": "1",
"bluestore_bdev_size": "107268255744",
"bluestore_bdev_type": "hdd",
"ceph_version": "ceph version 12.2.13
(584a20eb0237c657dc0567da126be145106aa47e) luminous (stable)",
"cpu": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-4820 v3 @ 1.90GHz",
"default_device_class": "hdd",
"distro": "ubuntu",
"distro_description": "Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS",
"distro_version": "18.04",
"front_addr": "",
"front_iface": "ens160",
"hb_back_addr": "",
"hb_front_addr": "",
"hostname": "ceph",
"journal_rotational": "1",
"kernel_description": "#92-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 28 11:09:48 UTC 2020",
"kernel_version": "4.15.0-91-generic",
"mem_swap_kb": "4194300",
"mem_total_kb": "8168160",
"os": "Linux",
"osd_data": "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0",
"osd_objectstore": "bluestore",
"rotational": "1"
there are paths and size. does bdev mean block in ceph-bluestore-tool?
ceph daemon osd.0 config show (
"bluestore_block_path": "",
"bluestore_block_size": "10737418240",
"bluestore_block_db_create": "false",
"bluestore_block_db_path": "",
"bluestore_block_db_size": "0",
"bluestore_block_wal_create": "false",
"bluestore_block_wal_path": "",
"bluestore_block_wal_size": "100663296",
there is no path info and only have wal size
What is the best way to get the path and size infomation of
block,block.db adn block.wal?
Igor Fedotov <ifedotov@xxxxxxx> 于2020年5月5日周二 下午10:47写道:
Hi Dave,
wouldn't this help (particularly "Viewing runtime settings" section):
On 5/5/2020 2:52 AM, Dave Hall wrote:
Sorry if this has been asked before...
A few months ago I deployed a small Nautilus cluster using
ceph-ansible. The OSD nodes have multiple spinning drives and a PCI
NVMe. Now that the cluster has been stable for a while it's time to
start optimizing performance.
While I can tell that there is a part of the NVMe associated with each
OSD, I'm trying to verify which BlueStore components are using the
NVMe - WAL, DB, Cache - and whether the configuration generated by
ceph-ansible (and my settings in osds.yml) is optimal for my hardware.
I've searched around a bit and, while I have found documentation on
how to configure, reconfigure, and repair a BlueStore OSD, I haven't
found anything on how to query the current configuration.
Could anybody point me to a command or link to documentation on this?
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