Iam testing failure scenarios for my cluster. I have 3 monitors. Lets say if mons 1 and 2 go down and so monitors can't form a quorum, how can I recover? Are the instructions at followling link valid for deleting mons 1 and 2 from monmap, https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/1.2.3/html/red_hat_ceph_administration_guide/remove_a_monitor#removing-monitors-from-an-unhealthy-cluster One more question - lets say I delete mons 1 and 2 from monmap. And the cluster has only mon 3 remaining so mon 3 has quorum. Now what happens if mon 1 and 2 come up? Do they join mon 3 and so there will again be 3 monitors in the cluster? Thanks _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list -- ceph-users@xxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to ceph-users-leave@xxxxxxx