I think you need this pull request https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/28813 to do this, I don't think this was ever backported to any upstream release branch
Paul Emmerich
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Paul Emmerich
Looking for help with your Ceph cluster? Contact us at https://croit.io
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Freseniusstr. 31h
81247 München
Tel: +49 89 1896585 90
On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 2:53 PM Marcelo Miziara <raxidex@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all. I'm trying to link a bucket from a user that's not "tenanted" (user1) to a tenanted user (usert$usert), but i'm getting an error message._______________________________________________
I'm using Luminous:
# ceph version
ceph version 12.2.12 (1436006594665279fe734b4c15d7e08c13ebd777) luminous (stable)
The steps I took were:
1) create user1:
# radosgw-admin user create --uid='user1' --display-name='user1'
2) create one bucket (bucket1) withe the user1 credentials:
# s3cmd -c .s3cfg mb s3://bucket1
Bucket 's3://bucket1/' created
3) create usert$usert:
# radosgw-admin user create --uid='usert$usert' --display-name='usert'
4) Tried to link:
# radosgw-admin bucket link --uid="usert\$usert" --bucket=bucket1
failure: (2) No such file or directory: 2019-12-23 10:20:49.078908 7f8f4f3d9dc0 0 could not get bucket info for bucket=bucket1
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance, Marcelo.
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