It's aborting incomplete multipart uploads that were left around. First it will clean up the cruft like that and then it should start actually deleting the objects visible in stats. That's my understanding of it anyway. I'm int he middle of cleaning up some buckets right now doing this same thing. I'm up to `WARNING : aborted 108393000 incomplete multipart uploads`. This bucket had a client uploading to it constantly with a very bad network connection.
On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 1:13 PM Sergei Genchev <sgenchev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Trying to delete bucket using radosgw-admin, and failing. Bucket has
50K objects but all of them are large. This is what I get:
$ radosgw-admin bucket rm --bucket=di-omt-mapupdate --purge-objects --bypass-gc
2019-06-21 17:09:12.424 7f53f621f700 0 WARNING : aborted 1000
incomplete multipart uploads
2019-06-21 17:09:19.966 7f53f621f700 0 WARNING : aborted 2000
incomplete multipart uploads
2019-06-21 17:09:26.819 7f53f621f700 0 WARNING : aborted 3000
incomplete multipart uploads
2019-06-21 17:09:33.430 7f53f621f700 0 WARNING : aborted 4000
incomplete multipart uploads
2019-06-21 17:09:40.304 7f53f621f700 0 WARNING : aborted 5000
incomplete multipart uploads
Looks like it is trying to delete objects 1000 at a time, as it
should, but failing. Bucket stats do not change.
radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=di-omt-mapupdate |jq .usage
"rgw.main": {
"size": 521929247648,
"size_actual": 521930674176,
"size_utilized": 400701129125,
"size_kb": 509696531,
"size_kb_actual": 509697924,
"size_kb_utilized": 391309697,
"num_objects": 50004
"rgw.multimeta": {
"size": 0,
"size_actual": 0,
"size_utilized": 0,
"size_kb": 0,
"size_kb_actual": 0,
"size_kb_utilized": 0,
"num_objects": 32099
How can I get this bucket deleted?
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