Re: CRUSH rule device classes mystery

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Quoting Gregory Farnum (gfarnum@xxxxxxxxxx):
> What's the output of "ceph -s" and "ceph osd tree"?

ceph -s
    id:     40003df8-c64c-5ddb-9fb6-d62b94b47ecf
    health: HEALTH_OK
    mon: 3 daemons, quorum michelmon1,michelmon2,michelmon3 (age 2d)
    mgr: michelmon2(active, since 3d), standbys: michelmon1, michelmon3
    mds: cephfs:1 {0=michelmds1=up:active} 1 up:standby
    osd: 9 osds: 9 up (since 3d), 9 in (since 7d)
    rgw: 2 daemons active (michelrgw1, michelrgw2)
    pools:   17 pools, 472 pgs
    objects: 244 objects, 4.2 KiB
    usage:   9.2 GiB used, 891 GiB / 900 GiB avail
    pgs:     472 active+clean

ceph osd tree
 -1          0.89992 root default                                            
 -9          0.89992     region BIT-Ede                                      
-11          0.29997         datacenter BIT-1                                
-14          0.29997             rack rack1                                  
 -2          0.29997                 host michelosd1                         
  1 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.1           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  2 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.2           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  0  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.0           up  1.00000 1.00000 
-12          0.29997         datacenter BIT-2A                               
-15          0.29997             rack rack2                                  
 -3          0.29997                 host michelosd2                         
  4 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.4           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  5 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.5           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  3  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.3           up  1.00000 1.00000 
-10          0.29997         datacenter BIT-2C                               
-13          0.29997             rack rack3                                  
 -4          0.29997                 host michelosd3                         
  7 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.7           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  8 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.8           up  1.00000 1.00000 
  6  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.6           up  1.00000 1.00000

And the shadow tree:

ceph osd crush tree --show-shadow
ID  CLASS    WEIGHT  TYPE NAME                                
-33  fasthdd 0.29997 root default~fasthdd                     
-32  fasthdd 0.29997     region BIT-Ede~fasthdd               
-28  fasthdd 0.09999         datacenter BIT-1~fasthdd         
-27  fasthdd 0.09999             rack rack1~fasthdd           
-26  fasthdd 0.09999                 host michelosd1~fasthdd  
  0  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.0                
-31  fasthdd 0.09999         datacenter BIT-2A~fasthdd        
-30  fasthdd 0.09999             rack rack2~fasthdd           
-29  fasthdd 0.09999                 host michelosd2~fasthdd  
  3  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.3                
-25  fasthdd 0.09999         datacenter BIT-2C~fasthdd        
-24  fasthdd 0.09999             rack rack3~fasthdd           
-23  fasthdd 0.09999                 host michelosd3~fasthdd  
  6  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.6                
-22 cheaphdd 0.59995 root default~cheaphdd                    
-21 cheaphdd 0.59995     region BIT-Ede~cheaphdd              
-17 cheaphdd 0.19998         datacenter BIT-1~cheaphdd        
-16 cheaphdd 0.19998             rack rack1~cheaphdd          
 -8 cheaphdd 0.19998                 host michelosd1~cheaphdd 
  1 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.1                
  2 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.2                
-20 cheaphdd 0.19998         datacenter BIT-2A~cheaphdd       
-19 cheaphdd 0.19998             rack rack2~cheaphdd          
-18 cheaphdd 0.19998                 host michelosd2~cheaphdd 
  4 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.4                
  5 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.5                
 -7 cheaphdd 0.19998         datacenter BIT-2C~cheaphdd       
 -6 cheaphdd 0.19998             rack rack3~cheaphdd          
 -5 cheaphdd 0.19998                 host michelosd3~cheaphdd 
  7 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.7                
  8 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.8                
 -1          0.89992 root default                             
 -9          0.89992     region BIT-Ede                       
-11          0.29997         datacenter BIT-1                 
-14          0.29997             rack rack1                   
 -2          0.29997                 host michelosd1          
  1 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.1                
  2 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.2                
  0  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.0                
-12          0.29997         datacenter BIT-2A                
-15          0.29997             rack rack2                   
 -3          0.29997                 host michelosd2          
  4 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.4                
  5 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.5                
  3  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.3                
-10          0.29997         datacenter BIT-2C                
-13          0.29997             rack rack3                   
 -4          0.29997                 host michelosd3          
  7 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.7                
  8 cheaphdd 0.09999                     osd.8                
  6  fasthdd 0.09999                     osd.6

Gr. Stefan

| BIT BV        Kamer van Koophandel 09090351
| GPG: 0xD14839C6                   +31 318 648 688 / info@xxxxxx
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