You can check all objects of that pool to see if your caps match:
rados -p backup ls | grep rbd_id
Zitat von Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx>:
caps osd = "allow pool backup object_prefix
rbd_data.18102d6b8b4567; allow rwx pool backup object_prefix
rbd_header.18102d6b8b4567; allow rx pool backup object_prefix
I think your caps are not entirely correct, the part "[...]
object_prefix rbd_id.rbd-image" should contain the
actual image name, so in your case it should be "[...] rbd_id.gbs".
Zitat von Thomas <74cmonty@xxxxxxxxx>:
Unfortunately this is still not working.
Here's the info of my image:
root@ld4257:/etc/ceph# rbd info backup/gbs
rbd image 'gbs':
size 500GiB in 128000 objects
order 22 (4MiB objects)
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.18102d6b8b4567
format: 2
features: layering
create_timestamp: Thu Jan 24 16:01:55 2019
And here's the user caps ouput:
root@ld4257:/etc/ceph# ceph auth get client.gbsadm
exported keyring for client.gbsadm
key = AQBd0klcFknvMRAAwuu30bNG7L7PHk5d8cSVvg==
caps mon = "allow r"
caps osd = "allow pool backup object_prefix
rbd_data.18102d6b8b4567; allow rwx pool backup object_prefix
rbd_header.18102d6b8b4567; allow rx pool backup object_prefix
Trying to map rbd "backup/gbs" now fails with this error; this operation
should be permitted:
ld7581:/etc/ceph # rbd map backup/gbs --user gbsadm -k
/etc/ceph/ceph.client.gbsadm.keyring -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
rbd: sysfs write failed
2019-01-25 12:15:19.786724 7fe4357fa700 -1 librbd::image::OpenRequest:
failed to stat v2 image header: (1) Operation not permitted
2019-01-25 12:15:19.786962 7fe434ff9700 -1 librbd::ImageState:
0x55b6522177f0 failed to open image: (1) Operation not permitted
rbd: error opening image gbs: (1) Operation not permitted
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try "dmesg | tail".
rbd: map failed: (1) Operation not permitted
The same error is shown when I try to map rbd "backup/isa"; this
operation must be prohibited:
ld7581:/etc/ceph # rbd map backup/isa --user gbsadm -k
/etc/ceph/ceph.client.gbsadm.keyring -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
rbd: sysfs write failed
2019-01-25 12:15:04.850151 7f8041ffb700 -1 librbd::image::OpenRequest:
failed to stat v2 image header: (1) Operation not permitted
2019-01-25 12:15:04.850350 7f80417fa700 -1 librbd::ImageState:
0x5643668a5700 failed to open image: (1) Operation not permitted
rbd: error opening image isa: (1) Operation not permitted
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try "dmesg | tail".
rbd: map failed: (1) Operation not permitted
Am 25.01.2019 um 11:52 schrieb Eugen Block:
osd 'allow rwx
pool <pool> object_prefix rbd_data.2b36cf238e1f29; allow rwx pool <pool>
object_prefix rbd_header.2b36cf238e1f29
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