On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:01:05AM +0100, Manuel Lausch wrote:
thats a bad news.
round about 5000 OSDs are affected from this issue. It's not realy a
solution to redeploy this OSDs.
Is it possible to migrate the local keys to the monitors?
I see that the OSDs with the "lockbox feature" has only one key for
data and journal partition and the older OSDs have individual keys for
journal and data. Might this be a problem?
And a other question.
Is it a good idea to mix ceph-disk and ceph-volume managed OSDSs on one
So I could only migrate newer OSDs to ceph-volume and deploy new
ones (after disk replacements) with ceph-volume until hopefuly there is
a solution.
I might be wrong on this, since its been a while since I played with that. But
iirc you can't migrate a subset of ceph-disk OSDs to ceph-volume on one host.
Once you run ceph-volume simple activate, the ceph-disk systemd units and udev
profiles will be disabled. While the remaining ceph-disk OSDs will continue to
run, they won't come up after a reboot.
I'm sure there's a way to get them running again, but I imagine you'd rather not
manually deal with that.
On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 07:44:02 -0500
Alfredo Deza <adeza@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is one case we didn't anticipate :/ We supported the wonky
lockbox setup and thought we wouldn't need to go further back,
although we did add support for both
plain and luks keys.
Looking through the code, it is very tightly couple to
storing/retrieving keys from the monitors, and I don't know what
workarounds might be possible here other than throwing away the OSD
and deploying a new one (I take it this is not an option for you at
Manuel Lausch
Storage Services
1&1 Mail & Media Development & Technology GmbH | Brauerstraße 48 |
76135 Karlsruhe | Germany Phone: +49 721 91374-1847
E-Mail: manuel.lausch@xxxxxxxx | Web: www.1und1.de
Hauptsitz Montabaur, Amtsgericht Montabaur, HRB 5452
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Ludwig, Jan Oetjen, Sascha Vollmer
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