`ceph-bluestore-tool bluefs-bdev-expand` corrupts OSDs

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Hi list,

I'm slightly expanding the underlying LV for two OSDs and figured I could use ceph-bluestore-tool to avoid having to re-create them from scratch.

I first shut down the OSD, expanded the LV, and then ran:
ceph-bluestore-tool bluefs-bdev-expand --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0

I forgot I was using encryption, so the overlying dm-crypt mapping stayed the same when I resized the underlying LV. I was surprised by the output of ceph-bluestore-tool, which suggested a size change by a significant amount (I was changing the LV size only by a few percent). I then checked the underlying `block` device and realized its size had not changed, so the command should've been a no-op. I then tried to restart the OSD, and it failed with an I/O error. I ended up re-creating that OSD and letting it recover.

I have another OSD (osd.1) in the original state where I could run this test again if needed. Unfortunately I don't have the output of the first test any more.

Is `ceph-bluestore-tool bluefs-bdev-expand` supposed to work? I get the feeling it gets the size wrong and corrupts OSDs by expanding it too much. If this is indeed supposed to work I would be happy to test this again with osd.1 if needed and see if I can get it fixed. Otherwise I'll just re-create it and move on.

# ceph --version ceph version 13.2.1 (5533ecdc0fda920179d7ad84e0aa65a127b20d77) mimic (stable)

Hector Martin (hector@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Public Key: https://marcan.st/marcan.asc
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