Re: Strange Data Issue - Unexpected client hang on OSD I/O Error

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Hi again!

Prior to rebooting the client, I found this file (and it's contents):

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/ceph/8abf116d-a710-4245-811d-c08473cb9fb4.client7412370/osdc
REQUESTS 1 homeless 0
1459933	osd2	4.3120c635	[2,18,9]/2	[2,18,9]/2	rbd_data.6b60e8643c9869.000000000000157f	0x400011	1	0'0	read
18446462598732840963	osd8	4.1662b47d	[8,18,3]/8	[8,18,3]/8	rbd_header.711beb643c9869	0x24	0	WC/0
18446462598732840961	osd10	4.2a8391bc	[10,18,4]/10	[10,18,4]/10	rbd_header.357247238e1f29	0x24	0	WC/0
18446462598732840962	osd12	4.906668e1	[12,2,18]/12	[12,2,18]/12	rbd_header.6b60e8643c9869	0x24	0	WC/0

When I search for '6b60e8643c9869' in the Ceph logs across all OSDs, I only find the two error lines listed previously.


On 2018-12-25 22:38, Dyweni - Ceph-Users wrote:
Hi Everyone/Devs,

Would someone please help me troubleshoot a strange data issue
(unexpected client hang on OSD I/O Error)?

On the client, I had a process reading a large amount of data from a
mapped RBD image.  I noticed tonight that it had stalled for a long
period of time (which never happens).  The process is currently in an
'uninterruptible sleep' state ('D+').  When I checked the kernel logs
(dmesg), I found this entry:

libceph: get_reply osd2 tid 1459933 data 3248128 > preallocated 131072, skipping

I checked the kernel log on the referenced OSD (osd2) and noted the
usual kernel output regarding I/O errors on the disk.  These errors
occured 1 second prior to the message being issued on the client.  This
OSD has a drive that is developing bad sectors. This is known and
tollerated.  The data sits in a pool with 3 replicas.

Normally, when I/O errors occur, Ceph reports the PG as
active+clean+inconsistent and 'rados list-inconsistent-obj' lists
'read error' for that OSD.  The clients proceed onward oblivious to the
issue, I review the 'ceph health detail' and
'rados list-inconsistent-obj' outputs, and issue the 'ceph pg repair'
commands.  Everything turns out ok.

However, tonight I received no such inconsistent messages from Ceph.
When I looked at the ceph logs on that OSD, I found these and only these
lines, regarding the corruption.

2018-12-25 20:26:19.665945 b0b540c0 -1 bdev(0x5db2b00
/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-2/block) _aio_thread got (5) Input/output error
2018-12-25 20:26:19.676377 a1b250c0 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR]
: 4.35 missing primary copy of
4:ac63048c:::rbd_data.6b60e8643c9869.000000000000157f:head, will try
copies on 9,18

To be proactive, I then issued 'ceph pg deep-scrub 4.35'.  This
completed normally and all PGs still show 'active+clean' (as was prior
to issuing the deep-scrub command.

So I have my requests:

1. What does the message on the client mean?
   (libceph: get_reply osd2 tid 1459933 data 3248128 > preallocated
131072, skipping)

2. What occured on the OSD (osd2), after reporting '4.35 missing primary copy'?

3. Why did the client read operation hang?  I have never had a client
   hang due to an OSD disk I/O error.

4. How do I verify that the data in the cluster is OK (i.e. beyond
   forcing deep-scrub on all PGs)?

Note about 4:
   The client operation in question was performing a verification of
   a disk image backup (i.e. make MD5sums of the original disk and the
   backup image, and verify both match).  I will restart the client
   machine and repeat the verification step of that backup.  This will
   tell me if this small section of cluster data is OK (and indirectly
   test the Ceph execution/data paths that originally failed).

For reference:

All Ceph versions are 12.2.5.
Client kernel version is 4.9.95.

Thank you,

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