Re: Balancing cluster with large disks - 10TB HHD

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We hit an OSD_FULL last week on our cluster - with an average utillzation
of less than 50% .. thus hugely imbalanced.  This has driven us to
go for adjusting pg's upwards and reweighting the osd's more agressively.

Question: What do people see as an "acceptable" variance across OSD's?
x <stdin>
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  72         45.49         56.25         52.35     51.878889     2.1764343

72 x 10TB drives. It seems hard to get further down -- thus churn will
most likely make it hard for us to stay at this level.

Currently we have ~158 PGs / OSD .. which by my math gives 63GB/pg if they
were fully utillzing the disk - which leads me to think that somewhat
smaller pg's would give the balancing an easier job. Would to be ok to
go to closer to 300 PGs/OSD ?  - would it be sane?

I can see that the default max is 300, but I have hard time finding out
if this is "recommendable" or just a "tunable".

* We've now seen OSD_FULL trigger irrecoverable kernel bugs on the
CephFS kernel client on our 4.15 kernels - multiple times - forced reboot
is the only way out. We're on the Ubuntu kernels .. I havent done the diff
to upstream (yet) and I dont intent to run our production cluster
disk-full anyware in the near future to test it out.

Please, paste your `ceph osd df tree` and `ceph osd dump | head -n 12`.


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