Re: Customized Crush location hooks in Mimic

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Dear Cephalopodians,

further experiments revealed that the crush-location-hook is indeed called!
It's just my check (writing to a file in tmp from inside the hook) which somehow failed. Using "logger" works for debugging.

So now, my hook outputs:
host=osd001 datacenter=FTD root=default
as explained before. I have also explicitly created the buckets beforehand in case that is needed.

Tree looks like that:
# ceph osd tree
 -1       55.23582 root default
 -9              0     datacenter FTD
-12       18.41194     datacenter FTD_1
 -3       18.41194         host osd001
  0   hdd  3.68239             osd.0        up  1.00000 1.00000
  1   hdd  3.68239             osd.1        up  1.00000 1.00000
  2   hdd  3.68239             osd.2        up  1.00000 1.00000
  3   hdd  3.68239             osd.3        up  1.00000 1.00000
  4   hdd  3.68239             osd.4        up  1.00000 1.00000
-11              0     datacenter FTD_2
 -5       18.41194     host osd002
  5   hdd  3.68239         osd.5            up  1.00000 1.00000
  6   hdd  3.68239         osd.6            up  1.00000 1.00000
  7   hdd  3.68239         osd.7            up  1.00000 1.00000
  8   hdd  3.68239         osd.8            up  1.00000 1.00000
  9   hdd  3.68239         osd.9            up  1.00000 1.00000
 -7       18.41194     host osd003
 10   hdd  3.68239         osd.10           up  1.00000 1.00000
 11   hdd  3.68239         osd.11           up  1.00000 1.00000
 12   hdd  3.68239         osd.12           up  1.00000 1.00000
 13   hdd  3.68239         osd.13           up  1.00000 1.00000
 14   hdd  3.68239         osd.14           up  1.00000 1.00000

So naively, I would expect that when I restart osd.0, it should move itself into datacenter=FTD.
But that does not happen...

Any idea what I am missing?


Am 30.11.18 um 11:44 schrieb Oliver Freyermuth:
Dear Cephalopodians,

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I am at a loss here on how to actually make use of a customized crush location hook.

I'm currently on "ceph version 13.2.1" on CentOS 7 (i.e. the last version before the upgrade-preventing bugs). Here's what I did:

1. Write a script /usr/local/bin/customized-ceph-crush-location. The script can be executed by user "ceph":
   # sudo -u ceph /usr/local/bin/customized-ceph-crush-location
   host=osd001 datacenter=FTD root=default

2. Add the following to ceph.conf:
  crush_location_hook = /usr/local/bin/customized-ceph-crush-location

3. Restart an OSD and confirm that is picked up:
  # systemctl restart ceph-osd@0
  # ceph config show-with-defaults osd.0
   crush_location_hook        /usr/local/bin/customized-ceph-crush-location  file
   osd_crush_update_on_start  true                                           default

However, the script is not executed, and I can ensure that since the script should also write a log to /tmp, which is not created.
Also, the "datacenter" type does not show up in the crush tree.

I have already disabled SELinux just to make sure.

Any ideas what I am missing here?

Cheers and thanks in advance,

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