On 10/08/2018 03:45 PM, Christian Rice wrote:
Just getting started here, but I am setting up a three-zone realm,
each with a pair of S3 object gateways, Luminous on Debian. I’m
wondering if there’s a straightforward way to exempt some buckets from
replicating to other zones? The idea being there might be data that
pertains to a specific zone…perhaps due to licensing or other more
trivial technical reasons shouldn’t be transported off site.
Documentation at
<http://docs.ceph.com/docs/luminous/radosgw/s3/bucketops/> suggests “A
bucket can be constrained to a region by providing
LocationConstraintduring a PUT request.” Is this applicable to my
multi-zone realm?
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Hi Christian,
A 'region' in radosgw corresponds to the zonegroup, so
LocationConstraint isn't quite what you want. You can disable sync on a
single bucket by running this command on the master zone:
$ radosgw-admin bucket sync disable --bucket=bucketname
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