Re: Don't upgrade to 13.2.2 if you use cephfs

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I've got several problems on 12.2.8 too. All my standby MDS uses a lot of memory (while active uses normal memory), and I'm receiving a lot of slow MDS messages (causing the webpage to freeze and fail until MDS are restarted)... Finally I had to copy the entire site to DRBD and use NFS to solve all problems...

El lun., 8 oct. 2018 a las 5:21, Alex Litvak (<alexander.v.litvak@xxxxxxxxx>) escribió:
How is this not an emergency announcement?  Also I wonder if I can
downgrade at all ?  I am using ceph with docker deployed with
ceph-ansible.  I wonder if I should push downgrade or basically wait for
the fix.  I believe, a fix needs to be provided.

Thank you,

On 10/7/2018 9:30 PM, Yan, Zheng wrote:
> There is a bug in v13.2.2 mds, which causes decoding purge queue to
> fail. If mds is already in damaged state, please downgrade mds to
> 13.2.1, then run 'ceph mds repaired fs_name:damaged_rank' .
> Sorry for all the trouble I caused.
> Yan, Zheng

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