CephFS on a mixture of SSDs and HDDs

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I am setting up a new ceph cluster (probably Mimic) made up of servers
that have a mixture of solid state and spinning disks. I'd like CephFS
to store data of some of our applications only on SSDs, and store data
of other applications only on HDDs.

Is there a way of doing this without running multiple filesystems within
the same cluster? (E.g. something like configuring CephFS to store data
of some directory trees in an SSD pool, and storing others in an HDD pool)

If not, can anybody comment on their experience running multiple file
systems in a single cluster? Are there any known issues (I am only aware
of some issues related to security)?

Does anybody know if support/testing of multiple filesystems in a
cluster is something actively being worked on and if it might stop being
"experimental" in near future?

Thanks very much,

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