Re: 3x replicated rbd pool ssd data spread across 4 osd's

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So that changes the question to: why is ceph not distributing the pg's 
evenly across four osd's? 

[@c01 ~]# ceph osd df |egrep '^19|^20|^21|^30'
19   ssd 0.48000  1.00000  447G   133G   313G 29.81 0.70  16
20   ssd 0.48000  1.00000  447G   158G   288G 35.40 0.83  19
21   ssd 0.48000  1.00000  447G   208G   238G 46.67 1.10  20
30   ssd 0.48000  1.00000  447G   149G   297G 33.50 0.79  17

rbd.ssd: pg_num 8 pgp_num 8 

I will look into the balancer, but I am still curious why these 8 pg 
(8x8=64? + 8? = 72) are still not spread evenly. Why not 18 on every 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack [mailto:ceph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: zondag 2 september 2018 14:06
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  3x replicated rbd pool ssd data spread across 
4 osd's

ceph osd df will get you more information: variation & pg number for 
each OSD

Ceph does not spread object on a per-object basis, but on a pg-basis

The data repartition is thus not perfect You may increase your pg_num, 
and/or use the mgr balancer module

On 09/02/2018 01:28 PM, Marc Roos wrote:
> If I have only one rbd ssd pool, 3 replicated, and 4 ssd osd's. Why 
> are these objects so unevenly spread across the four osd's? Should 
> they all not have 162G?
> [@c01 ]# ceph osd status 2>&1
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+---
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+--
> ------+
> | id | host |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   
> state   |
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+---
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+--
> ------+
> | 19 | c01  |  133G |  313G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | 
> exists,up |
> | 20 | c02  |  158G |  288G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | 
> exists,up |
> | 21 | c03  |  208G |  238G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | 
> exists,up |
> | 30 | c04  |  149G |  297G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | 
> exists,up |
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+---
> +----+------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+--
> ------+
> All objects in the rbd pool are 4MB not? Should be easy to spread them 

> evenly, what am I missing here?
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