Re: prevent unnecessary MON leader re-election

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On 08/29/2018 11:02 AM, William Lawton wrote:
> We have a 5 node Ceph cluster, status output copied below. During our
> cluster resiliency tests we have noted that a MON leader election takes
> place when we fail one member of the MON quorum, even though the failed
> instance is not the current MON leader. We speculate that this
> re-election process may be contributing to short periods of cluster
> unavailability when one or more cluster instances fail. Is there a way
> to configure the cluster so that there is only a MON leader election if
> the existing MON leader fails but not when some other member of the MON
> quorum fails?

Not at the moment, and this hasn't been in our plans.

My reasoning, at least, has been that if a monitor failed, an election
is the best way we have to ensure the remaining monitors are alive and
communicative. And the election itself should be a quick process anyway,
so this never became a particularly pressing feature.

I'd suggest opening a feature request in the tracker, asking for this.
And, if possible, attach logs to the ticket showing that the election is
taking too long, or evidence that you're getting I/O stalls during this
period. (for the mon logs, I'd suggest 'debug mon = 10', 'debug paxos =
10', and 'debug ms = 1')


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