Hi all,
I updated an existing Luminous cluster to Mimic 13.2.1. All daemons were
updated, so I did ceph osd require-osd-release mimic, so everything
seems up to date.
I want to try the snapshots in Mimic, since this should be stable, so i ran:
[root@osd2801 alleee]# ceph fs set cephfs allow_new_snaps true
enabled new snapshots
Now, when I try to create a snapshot, it is not working:
[root@osd2801 ~]# mkdir /mnt/bla/alleee/aaas
[root@osd2801 ~]# mkdir /mnt/bla/alleee/aaas/.snap
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/bla/alleee/aaas/.snap’: File exists
I tried this using ceph-fuse and the kernel client, but always get the
same response.
Should I enable something else to get snapshots working ?
Thank you!
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