Spurious empty files in CephFS root pool when multiple pools associated

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Hi there.

I have an issue with cephfs and multiple datapools inside. I have like
SIX datapools inside the cephfs, I control where files are stored using
xattrs in the directories.

The "root" directory only contains directories with "xattrs" requesting
new objects to be stored in different pools. So good so far. The problem
is that "root" datapool has a ghost file per file inside the cephfs,
even when the object is actually stored in a different datapool. Taking
no space at all, but counting against the number of objects in the cephfs.

The files are empty (0 bytes) but they have xattrs saying in what pool
the object is actually stored.

Should this data be stored in the metadata pool?. By comparison, my
metadata pool is 244MB in size but it basically uses the same size when
I had no objects and now, with 1.3 million objects: ~250 MB.

    cephfsROOT_data         70         0         0          354G
    cephfsROOT_metadata     71      244M      0.07          354G
    black_1                 72      944G     52.58          851G
    black_2                 73      944G     52.59          851G
    black_3                 74      953G     52.82          851G
    black_4                 75      934G     52.33          851G
    black_5                 76      944G     52.59          851G
    black_6                 77      531G     38.44          851G      136081

Black_* are associated to the cephfs via "ceph fs add_data_pool XXX".
For each object created inside a "black_*", a ghost empty object is
created in "cephfsROOT_data".

That huge number of files is causing other issues, like the warning "1
pools have many more objects per pg than average".

About that warning. I change the value of "mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew"
and The warning is still there. Asking the monitors about it, they show
the new value, but asking from client, it still shows "10":

root@jcea:/var/run/ceph# ceph --admin-daemon ceph-client.jcea.asok --id
jcea config show|grep skew
    "mon_timecheck_skew_interval": "30",
    "mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew": "10",

I don't know how to proceed.

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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