Wladimir Mutel wrote:
it back to gwcli/disks), I discover that its size is rounded up to 3
TiB, i.e. 3072 GiB or 786432*4M Ceph objects. As we know, GPT is stored
'targetcli ls /' (there, it is still 3.0T). Also, when I restart
rbd-target-gw.service, it gets resized back up to 3.0T as shown by
Well, I see this size in /etc/target/saveconfig.json
And I see how the RBD is extended in /var/log/tcmu-runner.log
And I remember that once I lazily added 2.7T RBD specifying its size as
3T in gwcli. Now trying to fix that wihout deleting/recreating the RBD...
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