That error is a sudo error, not an SSH error. Making root login possible without password doesn't affect this at all. ceph-deploy is successfully logging in as sds to node01, but is failing to be able to execute sudo commands without a password. To fix that you need to use `visudo` to give the sds user the ability to run sudo commands with nopasswd.
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:01 AM Antonio Novaes <antonionovaesjr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
_______________________________________________I tried create new cluster ceph, but on the my first command, received this erro in blue.Searched on the gogle about this erro, but believe that is error of the ssh, and dont of the ceph.I tried:alias ssh="ssh -t" on the admin nodeI Modifyed the fileHost node01Hostname node01.domain.localUser sdsPreferredAuthentications publickeyIdentityFile /home/sds/.ssh/id_rsaalso try,- start the command wtih sudo- Add PermitRootLogin whitout-password on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the host node01But, erro hold[][DEBUG ] Creating new cluster named ceph[][INFO ] making sure passwordless SSH succeeds[node01][DEBUG ] connected to host:[node01][INFO ] Running command: ssh -CT -o BatchMode=yes node01[][WARNIN] could not connect via SSH[][INFO ] will connect again with password prompt[node01][DEBUG ] connected to host: sds@node01[node01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host[node01][DEBUG ] detect machine type[][INFO ] adding public keys to authorized_keys[node01][DEBUG ] append contents to file[node01][DEBUG ] connection detected need for sudosudo: I'm sorry, you should have a tty to run sudo[ceph_deploy][ERROR ] RuntimeError: connecting to host: sds@node01 resulted in errors: IOError cannot send (already closed?)Someone can help me?Att,Antonio Novaes de C. JrAnalista TIC - Sistema e Infraestrutura
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