I have the same issue.
Try to use two underscores:
radosgw-admin user info --uid=“__pro_"
I have user with two underscores on hammer and i can work with him with one underscore:)
I recommend you remove this user and not use underscore in user names and access_keys because after upgrade on Luminous i can’t work with user with underscore(
Hi all,
because one our script misbehaved, new user with bad UID was created via API, and now we can't remove, view or modify it. I believe, it's because it has three underscores at the beginning:
[root@rgw001 /]# radosgw-admin metadata list user | grep "___pro_"
[root@rgw001 /]# radosgw-admin user info --uid="___pro_"
could not fetch user info: no user info saved
Do you have any ideas how to workaround this problem? If it's not supported naming, maybe API shouldn't allow to create it?
We are using Jewel 10.2.10 version on Centos 7.4.
Thanks for any ideas,
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