There's been quite a few VMWare/Ceph threads on the mailing list in the past.
One setup I've been toying with is a linux guest running on the vmware host on local storage, with the guest mounting a ceph RBD with a filesystem on it, then exporting that via NFS to the VMWare host as a datastore.
Exporting CephFS via NFS to Vmware is another option.
I'm not sure how well shared storage will work with either of these configurations. but they work fairly well for single-host deployments.
There are also quite a few products that do support iscsi on ceph. Suse Enterprise Storage is a commercial one, PetaSAN is an open-source option.
On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:24 AM, Joshua Chen <cschen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,I wonder how we could support VM systems with ceph storage (block device)? my colleagues are waiting for my answer for vmware (vSphere 5) and I myself use oVirt (RHEV). the default protocol is iSCSI.I know that openstack/cinder work well with ceph and proxmox (just heard) too. But currently we are using vmware and ovirt.Your wise suggestion is appreciatedCheersJoshuaOn Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 3:16 AM, Mark Schouten <mark@xxxxxxxx> wrote:Does Xen still not support RBD? Ceph has been around for years now!Met vriendelijke groeten,--Kerio Operator in de Cloud?
Mark Schouten | Tuxis Internet Engineering
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Verzonden: 28-2-2018 13:53
Onderwerp: Ceph iSCSI is a prank?I was building ceph in order to use with iSCSI.
But I just see from the docs that need:CentOS 7.5
(which is not available yet, it's still at 7.4) Kernel 4.17
(which is not available yet, it is still at 4.15.7) I guess, there is no ufficial support and this is just a bad prank.
Ceph is ready to be used with S3 since many years.
But need the kernel of the next century to works with such an old technology like iSCSI.
So sad.
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