I'm looking at OCP [0] servers for Ceph and I'm not able to find yet
what I'm looking for.
First of all, the geek in me loves OCP and the design :-) Now I'm trying
to match it with Ceph.
Looking at wiwynn [1] they offer a few OCP servers:
- 3 nodes in 2U with a single 3.5" disk [2]
- 2U node with 30 disks and a Atom C2000 [3]
- 2U JDOD with 12G SAS [4]
For Ceph I would want:
- 1U node / 12x 3.5" / Fast CPU
- 1U node / 24x 2.5" / Fast CPU
They don't seem to exist yet when looking for OCP server.
Although 30 drives is fine, it would become a very large Ceph cluster
when building with something like that.
Has anybody build Ceph clusters yet using OCP hardaware? If so, which
vendor and what are your experiences?
[0]: http://www.opencompute.org/
[1]: http://www.wiwynn.com/
[2]: http://www.wiwynn.com/english/product/type/details/65?ptype=28
[3]: http://www.wiwynn.com/english/product/type/details/33?ptype=28
[4]: http://www.wiwynn.com/english/product/type/details/43?ptype=28
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