Ceph not reclaiming space or overhead?

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I will start with I am very new to ceph and am trying to teach myself the ins and outs.  While doing this I have been creating and destroying pools as I experiment on some test hardware.  Something I noticed was that when a pool is deleted, the space is not always freed 100%.  This is true even after days of idle time.

Right now with 7 OSD and a few empty pools I have 70GBs of raw spaced used.

Now, I am not sure if this is normal, but I did migrate my OSDs to bluestore and have been adding OSDs.  So maybe some space is just overhead for each OSD?  I lost one of my disks and the usage dropped to 70GBs.  Though when I had that failure I got some REALLY odd results from ceph -s…   Note the number of data objects (242 total) vs. the number of degraded objects (101 of 726):


root@MediaServer:~# ceph -s


    id:     26c81563-ee27-4967-a950-afffb795f29e

    health: HEALTH_WARN

           1 filesystem is degraded

           insufficient standby MDS daemons available

           1 osds down

           Degraded data redundancy: 101/726 objects degraded (13.912%), 92 pgs unclean, 92 pgs degraded, 92 pgs undersized


    mon: 2 daemons, quorum TheMonolith,MediaServer

    mgr: MediaServer.domain(active), standbys: TheMonolith.domain

    mds: MediaStoreFS-1/1/1 up  {0=MediaMDS=up:reconnect(laggy or crashed)}

    osd: 8 osds: 7 up, 8 in

    rgw: 2 daemons active


    pools:   8 pools, 176 pgs

    objects: 242 objects, 3568 bytes

    usage:   80463 MB used, 10633 GB / 10712 GB avail

    pgs:     101/726 objects degraded (13.912%)

            92 active+undersized+degraded

            84 active+clean


After reweighting the failed OSD out:


root@MediaServer:/var/log/ceph# ceph -s


    id:     26c81563-ee27-4967-a950-afffb795f29e

    health: HEALTH_WARN

           1 filesystem is degraded

           insufficient standby MDS daemons available


    mon: 2 daemons, quorum TheMonolith,MediaServer

    mgr: MediaServer.domain(active), standbys: TheMonolith.domain

    mds: MediaStoreFS-1/1/1 up  {0=MediaMDS=up:reconnect(laggy or crashed)}

    osd: 8 osds: 7 up, 7 in

    rgw: 2 daemons active


    pools:   8 pools, 176 pgs

    objects: 242 objects, 3568 bytes

    usage:   71189 MB used, 8779 GB / 8849 GB avail

    pgs:     176 active+clean


My pools:


root@MediaServer:/var/log/ceph# ceph df


    SIZE      AVAIL     RAW USED     %RAW USED

    8849G     8779G       71189M          0.79


    NAME                          ID     USED     %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS

    .rgw.root                     6      1322         0         3316G           3

    default.rgw.control           7         0         0         3316G          11

    default.rgw.meta              8         0         0         3316G           0

    default.rgw.log               9         0         0         3316G         207

    MediaStorePool                19        0         0         5970G           0

    MediaStorePool-Meta           20     2246         0         3316G          21

    MediaStorePool-WriteCache     21        0         0         3316G           0

    rbd                           22        0         0         4975G           0


Am I looking at some sort of a file system leak, or is this normal?

Also, before I deleted (or broke rather) my last pool, I marked OSDs in and out and tracked the space. The data pool was erasure with 4 data and 1 parity and all data cleared from the cache pool:

ObjUsedTotal Size
DataExpected UsageDifferenceNotes

63910712417521.25-117.758 OSDs
337k63610246417521.25-114.757 OSDs (complete removal, osd 0, 500GB)
337k62910712417521.25-107.758 OSDs (Wiped and re-added as osd.51002)
337k6319780417521.25-109.757 OSDs (out, crush removed, osd 5, 1TB)
337k64910712417521.25-127.758 OSDs (crush add, osd in)
337k6439780417521.25-121.757 OSDs (out, osd 5, 1TB)
337k6259780417521.25-103.757 OSDs (crush reweight 0, osd 5, 1TB)

There was enough difference between the in and out of OSDs that I kinda think something is up. Even with the 80GBs removed from the difference when I have no data at all, that still leaved me with upwards of 40GBs of unaccounted for usage...

Debian 9 \ Kernel: 4.4.0-104-generic

ceph version 12.2.2 (cf0baeeeeba3b47f9427c6c97e2144b094b7e5ba) luminous (stable)

Thanks for your input! It's appreciated!

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