S3 objects deleted but storage doesn't free space

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Hi there all,
Perhaps someone can help.

We tried to free some storage so we deleted a lot S3 objects. The bucket has also valuable data so we can't delete the whole bucket. Everything went fine, but used storage space doesn't get less. We are expecting several TB of data to be freed.

We then learned of garbage collection. So we thought let's wait. But even day's later no real change. We started " radosgw-admin gc process ", that never finished , or displayed any error or anything. Could find anything like -verbose or debug for this command or find a place with log to debug what is going on when radosgw-admin is working

We tried to change the default settings, we got from old posting.
We have put them in global and tried  also in [client.rgw..]
rgw_gc_max_objs =7877 ( but also rgw_gc_max_objs =200 or rgw_gc_max_objs =1000)
rgw_lc_max_objs = 7877
rgw_gc_obj_min_wait = 300
rgw_gc_processor_period = 600
rgw_gc_processor_max_time = 600

We restarted the ceph-radosgw several times, the computers, all over period of days etc . Tried radosgw-admin gc process a few times etc. Did not find any references in radosgw logs like gc:: delete etc. But we don't know what to look for System is well, nor errors or warnings. But system is in use ( we are loading up data) -> Will GC only run when idle?

When we count them with "radosgw-admin gc list | grep oid | wc -l" we get
11:00 18.086.665 objects
13:00 18.086.665 objects
15:00 18.086.665 objects
so no change in objects after hours

When we list "radosgw-admin gc list" we get files like
 radosgw-admin gc list | more
        "tag": "b5687590-473f-4386-903f-d91a77b8d5cd.7354141.21122\u0000",
        "time": "2017-12-06 11:04:56.0.459704s",
        "objs": [
                "pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
"oid": "b5687590-473f-4386-903f-d91a77b8d5cd.44121.4__shadow_.5OtA02n_GU8TkP08We_SLrT5GL1ihuS_1",
                "key": "",
                "instance": ""
                "pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
"oid": "b5687590-473f-4386-903f-d91a77b8d5cd.44121.4__shadow_.5OtA02n_GU8TkP08We_SLrT5GL1ihuS_2",
                "key": "",
                "instance": ""
                "pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
"oid": "b5687590-473f-4386-903f-d91a77b8d5cd.44121.4__shadow_.5OtA02n_GU8TkP08We_SLrT5GL1ihuS_3",
                "key": "",
                "instance": ""

 A few questions ->

Who purges the gc list. Is it on the the radosgw machines. Or is it done distributed on the OSD's? Where do i have to change default "rgw_gc_max_objs =1000". We tried everywhere. We have used "tell" to change them in OSD and MON systems and also on the RGW endpoint's which we restarted.

We have two radosgw endpoints. Is there a lock that only one will act, or will they both try to delete. Can we free / display such a lock

How can I debug the application radosgw-admin. In which log files to look, what would be example of message.

If I know an oid like above. Can I manually delete such an oid.

Suppose we would delete the complete bucket with "radosgw-admin bucket rm --bucket=mybucket --purge-objects --inconsistent-index" would that also get rid of the GC files that allready there?

Thanks  ahead for your time,

JW Michels

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