Any way to get around selinux-policy-base dependency

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Hi all,


I would like to upgrade to the latest Luminous release but found that it requires the absolute latest selinux-policy-base.  We aren’t using selinux, so was wondering if there is a way around this dependency requirement?


[carf-ceph-osd15][WARNIN] Error: Package: 2:ceph-selinux-12.2.2-0.el7.x86_64 (ceph)

[carf-ceph-osd15][WARNIN]            Requires: selinux-policy-base >= 3.13.1-166.el7_4.5

[carf-ceph-osd15][WARNIN]            Installed: selinux-policy-targeted-3.13.1-102.el7_3.13.noarch (@rhel7.3-rhn-server-production/7.3)


Thanks for any help!


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