Currently our company has +/- 50 apps where every app has its
own data-area on NFS.
We need to switch S3, using Ceph, as our new data layer with
every app using its own s3-bucket, equivalent to the NFS
The sizes of the data-areas, depending on the app, varies from
1.3 GB to 358 GB.
In order to test multiple versions of the app, we currently make
a writable snapshot of
the data-area to avoid copying or 'polluting' the original (i.e.
'production' data).
Since a snapshot is fast we can make multiple snapshots easy and
discard them
With Ceph, we would like to do something alike, i.e. 'fast'
copying and easily discardable.
The path we are trying to take is: make a 'clone' of the bucket
(i.e. writable
snapshots) into a test-bucket.
Our design for this is the following:
- We need to have every app bucket in its own unique pool-set.
- (on the ceph-nodes) determine the pool-set that is used by the
given bucket
- (on the ceph-nodes) make snapshots of the pools and assign
these snapshots to
an newly created (writable!) test-bucket.
- after the test is finished, the test-bucket can be removed
(either from the ceph-node
or the test system).
The test-procedure that is testing the app is aware of its
environment, i.e.: it
'knows' that it has to do specials things to get a test-bucket.
The app itself isn not
aware of this, and just uses whatever bucket is passed to it.
This way the test procedure can use the test-bucket and does not
interfere with the
original data and the app can be run 'as-is' without changing
the code.
I have the following question:
Is this scenario at all possible?
- if yes: how can I accomplish this?
- if no: is this a design-flaw (it can be done, just not
this way)
or its simply not possible.
Fred Gansevles
Devops Engineer
Auke Vleerstraat 140 E |
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E fgansevles@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
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