Re: Moving bluestore WAL and DB after bluestore creation

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I'm not going to lie.  This makes me dislike Bluestore quite a bit.  Using multiple OSDs to an SSD journal allowed for you to monitor the write durability of the SSD and replace it without having to out and re-add all of the OSDs on the device.  Having to now out and backfill back onto the HDDs is awful and would have made a time when I realized that 20 journal SSDs all ran low on writes at the same time nearly impossible to recover from.

Flushing journals, replacing SSDs, and bringing it all back online was a slick process.  Formatting the HDDs and backfilling back onto the same disks sounds like a big regression.  A process to migrate the WAL and DB onto the HDD and then back off to a new device would be very helpful.  

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 10:51 AM Mario Giammarco <mgiammarco@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It seems it is not possible. I recreated the OSD

2017-11-12 17:44 GMT+01:00 Shawn Edwards <lesser.evil@xxxxxxxxx>:
I've created some Bluestore OSD with all data (wal, db, and data) all on the same rotating disk.  I would like to now move the wal and db onto an nvme disk.  Is that possible without re-creating the OSD?  

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