Cluster Down from reweight-by-utilization

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I've run into an issue and would appreciate any assistance anyone can provide as I haven't been able to solve this problem yet and am running out of ideas. I ran a reweight-by-utilization on my cluster using conservative values so that it wouldn't cause a large rebalancing. The reweight ran and changed some osd weights, but shortly after OSDs started getting marked down and out of the cluster. This continued until I set nodown and noout, but by that time the cluster had <200 osd up and in out of 540. The OSD processes started pegging the servers at 100% cpu usage. The problem seems similar to one or two others i've seen in the lists or bugs where the OSD maps get behind and spin 100% cpu trying to catch up. The cluster has been down for about 30 hours now.

After setting noout and nodown the cluster started to slowly mark osds up and in averaging 8 osd/hour. At around 490/540 up i unset nodown to see if these OSDs were really up and the cluster immediately marked most down again until i reset nodown at 161/540 up. Once again the cluster started marking OSDs up until it got to 245 but then it stopped increasing. The mon debug logs show that the cluster wants to mark majority of OSDs down. Restarting OSD processes doesn't bring them up and in, mgr restarts didn't improve anything, OSD node reboots seem to not do anything positive. Some logs seem to suggest there are authentication issues among the daemons and that daemons are simply waiting for new maps. I can often see the "newest_map" incrementing on osd daemons, but it is slow and some are behind by thousands.


Cluster details:
CentOS 7.4
Kraken ceph-11.2.1-0.el7.x86_64
540 OSD, 3 mon/mgr/mds
~3.6PB, 72% raw used, ~40 million objects
24 OSD/server
~25k PGs, mostly ec k=4 m=1, 2 small replicated pools

The command that broke everything, this should have resulted in < ~20tb migrating
# ceph osd reweight-by-utilization 110 0.1 10
moved 200 / 112640 (0.177557%)
avg 208.593
stddev 60.2522 -> 60.1992 (expected baseline 14.4294)
min osd.351 with 98 -> 98 pgs (0.469815 -> 0.469815 * mean)
max osd.503 with 310 -> 310 pgs (1.48615 -> 1.48615 * mean)

oload 110
max_change 0.1
max_change_osds 10
average_utilization 0.7176
overload_utilization 0.7893
osd.244 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.167 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.318 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.302 weight 0.8544 -> 0.7545osd.264 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.233 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.18 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.268 weight 0.8728 -> 0.7729osd.14 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000osd.343 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9000

A lot of OSDs are stuck in the preboot state and are marked down in the map but seem to be behind the osdmap reported on the monitors.
From osd.1:
    "whoami": 1,
    "state": "preboot",
    "oldest_map": 502767,
    "newest_map": 516124,

# ceph osd stat
     osdmap e518386: 540 osds: 245 up, 530 in; 14626 remapped pgs
            flags nodown,noout,sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds,require_kraken_osds

Some are caught up to the map and are in the cluster while nodown noout is set
# ceph daemon osd.0 status
    "cluster_fsid": "bc2a1488-74f8-4d87-b2f6-615ae26bf7c9",
    "osd_fsid": "7d88f4d2-cebd-477c-a344-ffbca8c471a8",
    "whoami": 0,
    "state": "active",
    "oldest_map": 502767,
    "newest_map": 518391,
    "num_pgs": 228

But the mon debug log suggests it wants to mark it and others down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598083 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.0 down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598095 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.3 down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598100 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.4 down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598104 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.5 down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598107 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.6 down
2017-11-05 02:16:31.598111 7f42382d9700  5 mon.sephmon1@0(leader).osd e518321 can_mark_down NODOWN flag set, will not mark osd.8 down

Mon log is full of messages like:
2017-11-05 02:55:55.512643 7f423b3d9700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55cfe1ae6800 :6789 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed

mgr log has a lot of:
2017-11-05 02:58:05.813420 7f76dcf90700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55e93ed39000 :6801 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:58:05.998992 7f76dcf90700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55e942ff9000 :6801 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:58:06.496972 7f76da816700 -1 mgr ms_dispatch fsmap(e 6691) v1
2017-11-05 02:58:08.042295 7f76d8812700  1 mgr send_beacon active
2017-11-05 02:58:08.429476 7f76da816700 -1 mgr ms_dispatch mgrdigest v1
2017-11-05 02:58:08.537725 7f76dcf90700  0 -- >> conn(0x55e947cde000 :6801 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_CONNECT_MSG_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_msg accept connect_seq 2 vs existing csq=2 existing_state=STATE_CONNECTING
2017-11-05 02:58:08.538037 7f76dcf90700  0 -- >> conn(0x55e947cde000 :6801 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_CONNECT_MSG pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:58:08.613374 7f76dcf90700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55e941843800 :6801 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed

OSD logs for a 'down' osd:
2017-11-05 02:59:44.256472 7f68fc0ad700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55acb8c11800 :6835 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:59:44.751890 7f68fc8ae700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55acc93ee000 :6833 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:59:44.934979 7f68fc0ad700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55acbc5ef800 :6835 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed
2017-11-05 02:59:44.935007 7f68fc8ae700  0 -- >> - conn(0x55accb28c800 :6834 s=STATE_ACCEPTING_WAIT_BANNER_ADDR pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).fault with nothing to send and in the half  accept state just closed

OSD logs for a 'up' osd:
2017-11-05 03:00:24.266686 7f2459f41700 -1 osd.0 518417 heartbeat_check: no reply from osd.250 since back 2017-11-05 03:00:21.586832 front 2017-11-05 02:59:35.268399 (cutoff 2017-11-05 03:00:04.266664)
2017-11-05 03:00:24.922615 7f245de82700  0 -- >> conn(0x5580adf00000 :-1 s=STATE_CONNECTING_WAIT_CONNECT_REPLY_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_reply connect got BADAUTHORIZER
2017-11-05 03:00:25.100982 7f245e683700  0 -- >> conn(0x5580acba9000 :-1 s=STATE_CONNECTING_WAIT_CONNECT_REPLY_AUTH pgs=0 cs=0 l=0).handle_connect_reply connect got BADAUTHORIZER
2017-11-05 03:00:25.266906 7f2459f41700 -1 osd.0 518417 heartbeat_check: no reply from osd.250 since back 2017-11-05 03:00:25.087925 front 2017-11-05 02:59:35.268399 (cutoff 2017-11-05 03:00:05.266894)

ceph status:

[root@sephmon1 ceph]# ceph status
    cluster bc2a1488-74f8-4d87-b2f6-615ae26bf7c9
     health HEALTH_ERR
            25701 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds
            2 pgs backfill_wait
            2 pgs backfilling
            1151 pgs degraded
            19114 pgs down
            2496 pgs peering
            1 pgs recovering
            3973 pgs stale
            1150 pgs stuck degraded
            21728 pgs stuck inactive
            3973 pgs stuck stale
            22805 pgs stuck unclean
            1150 pgs stuck undersized
            1151 pgs undersized
            542105 requests are blocked > 32 sec
            recovery 3150732/243157671 objects degraded (1.296%)
            recovery 21562/243157671 objects misplaced (0.009%)
            recovery 1/51923123 unfound (0.000%)
            mds0: 4755 slow requests are blocked > 30 sec
            284/530 in osds are down
            nodown,noout flag(s) set
            mon.sephmon1 low disk space
            mon.sephmon2 low disk space
            mon.sephmon3 low disk space
     monmap e15: 3 mons at {sephmon1=,sephmon2=,sephmon3=}
            election epoch 916, quorum 0,1,2 sephmon1,sephmon2,sephmon3
      fsmap e6708: 1/1/1 up {0=sephmon1=up:active}, 1 up:standby
        mgr active: sephmon1 standbys: sephmon2, sephmon3
     osdmap e518431: 540 osds: 246 up, 530 in; 14672 remapped pgs
            flags nodown,noout,sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds,require_kraken_osds
      pgmap v52920051: 23552 pgs, 6 pools, 2030 TB data, 50706 kobjects
            2404 TB used, 942 TB / 3347 TB avail
            3150732/243157671 objects degraded (1.296%)
            21562/243157671 objects misplaced (0.009%)
            1/51923123 unfound (0.000%)
               10465 down+remapped
                6972 down
                1124 stale+remapped+peering
                1029 active+undersized+degraded
                 935 stale+down+remapped
                 742 stale+down
                 691 stale+peering
                 494 remapped+peering
                 397 active+clean
                 347 stale+active+clean
                 187 peering
                  58 stale+activating+undersized+degraded
                  36 stale+active+undersized+degraded
                  14 stale+remapped
                  12 activating+undersized+degraded
                  11 stale+activating+undersized+degraded+remapped
                   7 remapped
                   6 stale
                   5 activating
                   4 active+remapped
                   3 active+undersized+degraded+remapped
                   2 stale+activating+remapped
                   2 stale+active+remapped+backfill_wait
                   2 stale+activating
                   1 stale+active+clean+scrubbing
                   1 active+recovering+undersized+degraded
                   1 stale+active+remapped+backfilling
                   1 inactive
                   1 active+clean+scrubbing
                   1 stale+active+clean+scrubbing+deep
                   1 active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling

Kevin Hrpcek
Linux Systems Administrator
Space Science & Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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