Re: Cephfs : security questions?

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Maybe this will get you started with the permissions for only this fs 
path /smb

sudo ceph auth get-or-create client.cephfs.smb mon 'allow r' mds 'allow 
r, allow rw path=/smb' osd 'allow rwx pool=fs_meta,allow rwx 

-----Original Message-----
From: Yoann Moulin [mailto:yoann.moulin@xxxxxxx] 
Sent: vrijdag 29 september 2017 9:36
To: ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:  Cephfs : security questions?


We are working on a POC with containers (kubernetes) and cephfs (for 
permanent storage).

The main idea is to give to a user access to a subdirectory of the 
cephfs but be sure he won't be able to access to the rest of the 
storage. As k8s works, the user will have access to the yml file where 
the cephfs mount point is defined. He will be able to change the 
subdirectory mounted inside the container (and set it to /). And inside 
the container, the user is root…

So if even the user doesn't have access to the secret, he will be able 
to mount the whole cephfs volume with read access.

Is there a possibility to have "root_squash" option on cephfs volume for 
a specific client.user + secret?

Is it possible to allow a specific user to mount only /bla and disallow 
to mount the cephfs root "/"?

Or is there another way to do that?


Yoann Moulin
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