Changing RGW pool default

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Hello friends, I have a question.

Is it possible to change the default.rgw pool of the ceph used in radosgw already with stored data to a new name?

Tested in version: ceph version 10.2.7 and 10.2.9

I already tried to change the metadata of the region and zone and made the renames of the pool, I changed the metadata of the bucket and even so when I execute the command below it presents the information of the pool default.rgw

# radosgw-admin metadata get bucket.instance: ddd: aacbdf4d-2458-41ad-84f4-afc46a29a77b.7965272.1

I also tried to change the information of the bucket.instance, but I did not succeed after the "put" it does not change information from the bucket in my debugs realize that the objects created in the default.rgw pool do not change.

Has anyone managed this operation yet?


Bruno Carvalho

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