Le 16/08/2017 à 16:19, David Turner a
écrit :
Would reads and writes to the SSD on another server
be faster than reads and writes to HDD on the local server? If
the answer is no, then even if this was possible it would be
worse than just putting your WAL and DB on the same HDD
locally. I don't think this is a use case the devs planned for.
You can definitely put multiple WAL land DB
partitions on a single SSD.
Thanks David for your reply.
Indeed, I have no idea if I/O operations on a distant SSD are faster
than on a local HDD ?..I thought naively that in the case of a 10Gbs
network, the speed of the bandwidth was always higher than that of
the disk, whatever its technology, but it's true that many other
factors come into play (in any case, it's an interesting problem, if
I have time, I will try to do some benchmarks...)
In relation to your answer, I have another question please, in the
case of an OSDs server composed only with HDD disks, what is the
best practice : just configure each OSD as a single BlueStore
storage device or add on each disk both WAL and DB devices (e.g. ceph-disk
prepare --bluestore /dev/sdd --block.wal /dev/sdd --block.db
/dev/sdd) ?
I ask this because the online documentation on "BlueStore Config
Reference" states that adding these devices are useful only if the
device used is faster than the primary device ?
Thanks again,
We are currently running two Proxmox/ceph clusters that work
(since 2014) and thank to this succesful experience, we plan
to install
a new Ceph cluster for storage of our computing cluster.
Until now, we only used RBD (virtualization context) but now
we want to
use CephFS for this new cluster (separated from the other two,
is different and dedicated for this new clusters).
I'm interested in testing a CephFS cluster with BlueStore as a
I have several OSDs servers (with a dozen SATA HDDs on each)
but some do
not have an additional SSD disk (only 3 of the servers have an
additional SSD).
My question is about BlueStore WAL/DB devices. When I read the
documentation, it seems that adding both WAL and DB devices
BlueStore performances.
But, can we configure these devices on a distant SSD (I mean
on a SSD
which is not on the local OSDs server but on an another
machine which is
on the same Ceph cluster) ?
If yes, can I configure mulitple WAL or DB devices on the same
And finally, is it relevant to do that (I mean in term of
performance) ?
Hoping to have been clear on my context, thanks in advance for
reply or your reflection.
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