During a recent snafu with a production cluster I disabled scrubbing and deep scrubbing in order to reduce load on the cluster while things backfilled and settled down. The PTSD caused by the incident meant I was not keen to re-enable
it until I was confident we had fixed the root cause of the issues (driver issues with a new NIC type introduced with new hardware that did not show up until production load hit them). My cluster is using Jewel 10.2.1, and is a mix of SSD and SATA over 20
hosts, 352 OSDs in total. Fast forward a few weeks and I was ready to re-enable it. On some reading I was concerned the cluster might kick off excessive scrubbing once I unset the flags, so I tried increasing the deep scrub interval from 7 days to 60 days – with
most of the last deep scrubs being from over a month before I was hoping it would distribute them over the next 30 days. Having unset the flag and carefully watched the cluster it seems to have just run a steady catch up without significant impact. What
I am noticing though is that the scrubbing is seeming to just run through the full set of PGs, so it did some 2280 PGs last night over 6 hours, and so far today in 12 hours another 4000 odd. With 13408 PGs, I am guessing that all this will stop some time
early tomorrow. ceph-glb-fec-01[/var/log]$ sudo ceph pg dump|awk '{print $20}'|grep 2017|sort|uniq -c dumped all in format plain 5 2017-05-23 18 2017-05-24 33 2017-05-25 52 2017-05-26 89 2017-05-27 114 2017-05-28 144 2017-05-29 172 2017-05-30 256 2017-05-31 191 2017-06-01 230 2017-06-02 369 2017-06-03 606 2017-06-04 680 2017-06-05 919 2017-06-06 1261 2017-06-07 1876 2017-06-08 15 2017-06-09 2280 2017-07-05 4098 2017-07-06 My concern is am I now set to have all 13408 PGs do a deep scrub in 60 days in a serial fashion again over 3 days. I would much rather they distribute over that period. Will the OSDs do this distribution themselves now they have caught up, or do I need to say create a script that will trigger batches of PGs to deep scrub over time to push out the distribution again?
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