Re: Rados maximum object size issue since Luminous? SOLVED

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Awesome, that did it.

I consider creating a separate Bareos device with striping, testing there, and then fading out the old non-striped pool... Maybe that would also fix the suboptimal throughput...

But from the Ceph side of things, it looks like I'm good now.

Thanks again :)



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jens Rosenboom [mailto:j.rosenboom@xxxxxxxx] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017 14:42
An: Martin Emrich <martin.emrich@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Gregory Farnum <gfarnum@xxxxxxxxxx>; ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re:  Rados maximum object size issue since Luminous?

2017-07-04 12:10 GMT+00:00 Martin Emrich <martin.emrich@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> So as striping is not backwards-compatible (and this pools is indeed for backup/archival purposes where large objects are no problem):
> How can I restore the behaviour of jewel (allowing 50GB objects)?
> The only option I found was "osd max write size" but that seems not to be the right one, as its default of 90MB is lower than my observed 128MB.

That should be osd_max_object_size, see
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