Question about the OSD host option

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Hi Everyone,

I play a bit around with ceph on a test cluster with 3 servers (each MON
and OSD at the same time). 
I use some self written ansible rules to deploy the config and crate
the OSD with ceph-disk. Because ceph-disk use the next free OSD-ID, my
ansible scrip is not aware which ID belongs to which OSD and host. So I
don't create any [OSD.ID] section in my config and my cluster runs

Now I have read in [1] "the Ceph configuration file MUST specify the
host for each daemon". As I consider each OSD as daemon, I'm a bit
confused that it worked without the host specified. 

Why do the OSD daemon need the host option? What happened if it doesn't

Is there any best practice about naming the OSDs? Or a trick to avoid
the [OSD.ID] for each daemon?


Thank you,


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